Bachelor party

Beginne am Anfang

"See! Hahaha! " He started to laugh and I gritted my teeth but controlled quickly when we arrived there.

I quickly got out and went in. But I was kind of nervous because it's all girls party and it will be a littler weirder.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Soon, Yen came out and scrunched her eyes.

"Jungkook...what the hell are you doing here? !!" She says and points at me but before I could reply she stopped me and hold her head.

"Ah! Your here for y/n! That shit must be drunk a.f by now. Wait I'll call her..." She mumbles as she went in.

I stood there in silence because it's kinda weird.

A few minutes passed by, but no sign of Yen or y/n. That made me worried and I went in.

Well, to be honest; this place doesn't look trash as my place did. It's more neat and tidy. I walked in and went to the living room type of area.

Sunjin was there and smiled at me.

"If your looking for y/n, well she's kind of wasted. Btw did you got Yoongi?" She asks as she walks to me. I nod and she quickly went outside.

"Well I have to take care another drunk person." I sighed and walked in again.

Time skip~~~~ Next morning ~~

Y/n's pov:

I woke up and my head hurts like I hit something last night. I looked around and found my self in a room. The sun is shining brightly. I tried to get up but a arm pulled me back. I looked under the covers and found Jungkook wrapped his arms arms round me and he was top less .

"What..the?" But before I could finish my sentence, he pulled me down and covered up.

"Yahh!!! Yahh!!! What the hell!!" I yelled but he turned to me and made a pouty face.

"Why your here!" I whispered and he mumbled something which I didn't hear clearly.

"What?" I asked him but he fall asleep again.

"Aishhh!!" Let me go!!" I tried to remove his arm but no use. So, I hopelessly laid there and puffed my face.

My eyes went to his face and somehow, I found myself caressing his face. He looks so adorable when he sleeps. My eyes felt heavy again and before I can do anything, I fall asleep with him again.


"Maybe those two are dead?!"

"Nah! Wake those two up! It's already past noon."

"Chim, go and wake them!"

"Ayyy! No way! I won't!!"

"Aishh! Don't be a baby!"

"Yah! Stob it! I'll go!"

Soon someone removed the covers from us and we both hissed because of the cold.

"Who the hell!!" I yelled out but realized that the room was filled with people .

"See! They are alive!" Tae yells out and Chim nudge him with his elbow.

"Aishh! Of course they are alive! Geez!" Yen scoffed and sips her drink.

"Hyung...why your here..." Jungkook woke up and rubbed his eyes. His morning voice hits me back to reality even though I know how it sounds but still it triggers me.

"Yah! It's almost end of the week and don't ya guys have any plans where ya wanna go for your honeymoon? !!" Jin yells but the others laughs.

"Hyung, do you think y/n will leave home after the weeding?" Chim says as he laughs his ass off.

"What the ...why not!" I scoffed and he stick his tongue out.

"I have a brilliant idea! " Tae yells out and everyone snapped their head to him.

"What is it?" Everyone ask and even that made me curious too.


Well, if ya wanna know what happened to y/n and how Jungkook got y/n from the party?! So stay tune for the next chapter even for the idea and what it will be..😂😂(idk what I'm typing I'm  drunk for real )

And guess what! I got loads of meme!!!

Here's one!


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