Secret's Of The Past

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"That's not on there." Tyler said as he scanned the file and looked at me.
I raised my head and gave him a puzzled look.

"How do you know that?" He asked.

I smiled sheepishly.
"I like to read. And this has always been an interest of mine. I've always wanted to know how the human mind works or how an individual acts in society. Plus, I may or may not be studying in advance for college." I said to him with a shy smile.

"So sorry, Dr. Thompson." He said and I laughed.
"That's incredible J." He added with a  bright smile, one I returned timidly.

We turned back to the files.
"Anyways, It say's my mother was on medication, specifically mood stabilizers that helped treat her impulsivity and the rapid changes in her emotions. It also say's that she has been hospitalized three times, the first time at 15, second time wen she was 18 and recently when she reached 24." I said.
I looked at Tyler, doing quick math in my brain.

"If my mom had me when she was 20, that means I was 4 wen she went away." I concluded.

"Judging by your reaction, I take it you had no idea." Tyler guessed, the orange soft lights casting mysterious shadows on his pale skin.

I shook my head.
"It's pretty obvious but no, I didn't. " I stared at the file and flipped it closed, having reached the end of it.

I must have lost myself in my own internal questions, because Tyler snapped his fingers in front of my eyes to get my attention.

"What are you thinking hard about? I mean, besides everything." When I only frowned at him, he added "You started looking at me like I'm the most interesting thing in the world, which I find very gratifying." I snorted at this, rolling my eyes and making him chuckle. "You have this blank stare, like your here but at the same time your not. Its the look you usually have when your working on your geometry homework."

"How did my father manage to get this? I mean, besides his notes, the rest is classified information, the type wich you talk with your therapist or psychiatrist or psychologist and there not allowed to share this with anybody. Its against the law. Hell, the first thing you sign with doctors like these is a confidentiality agreement. It can only-" I stopped talking and thought for a moment.

"Only what?" Tyler asked.

"It can only be breached with the patient's consent or if he or she is a danger to other's and/or herself." I said, examining my father's notes once more briefly incase I missed something.

"What do you think was your mom's?" Tyler asked.

"Both." I said as I looked at him. I closed my mom's folder and took a marker from my father's desk. I wrote CLAIRE in big, black letters. Then I groaned.

"Wish I had brought a bigger purse." I mumbled.

"I know right? Then again, not everyone can think in advance like I do." Tyler mocked, waving a black backpack he had brought above my head. I narrowed my eyes at it, how the hell did I not notice?

Sticking my tongue at him, I gave it to Tyler who flipped me off and placed the folder inside his bag. Ty dropped it on the floor while I moved on to the next file. I opened it, reading briefly through it. My father's name caught my eye.

"Its dad's." I said in realization. Tyler crained his neck to see. Seeing his discomfort, I hopped off the desk and sat on his lap, crossing my legs and putting the file in my lap so we both could see. He wasted no time in wrapping his arm around my waist, and resting his chin on my shoulder, moving my hair to the side.

"There are notes written in here but unlike Claire's, these weren't written by Jordan Thompson." I said aloud, while Tyler played with my hair.

"They were written by a so called Dr. Eugene Glass. I know him, he treated my mom when she was hospitalized in the Help Center For Adults. He's a therapist and also covers psychiatry." Tyler told me in a surprised tone. 

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