My hero Academia (falling apart part 2)

Começar do início

"Magic," I say and everyone laughs.

"No, how does your quirk work?" Green haired boy asks again.

"My quirk?" I ask confused and this seems to confuse all of them.

I wasn't going to give them anything, even if I have no clue what they are talking about.

"You don't know what quirks are?" The boy with half white and half red hair asks and I shake my head.

"Do you mean powered or enhanced people?" I ask and they nod uncertainly.

"I need to get back," I say and try standing, this is an illusion, it has to be.

"Hold it," Blonde spikey haired boy says holding me down.

I start to panic and struggle against them.

"Let me go!" I yell still thrashing around.

"Do you even know how close to dying you were? Recovery Girl barely saved your life, you still have a lot of healing," The boy with black hair says.

"I've had worse. Now, can I please borrow a phone?" I ask and the boy with green hair hands me a phone.

I dial one of the only numbers I've memorized and instead of Fury answering and I get this-

"Hello, Rachels Diner," A woman's voice answers and I sit stunned for a second before smirking.

"Can I please talk to Fury?" I ask and this gets me odd looks from the five people around my bed.

"I'm sorry sir, there is no Fury here," The woman says and I frown.

"I'm not playing around here Nicholas Joseph Fury, I need a ride," I say angerly into the phone.

"I'm sorry sir but there is no one with the name Nicholas Joseph Fury here," The woman says and I frown.

"How about Maria Hill?" I ask and I can feel dread sinking into my stomach.

"There is also no Maria Hill here," The woman says and I hang up without saying goodbye.

"Do you know the Avengers?" I ask the five people around my bed and I really freeze.

"Tony Stark? IronMan? Nick Fury? SHIELD?" I ask faster and faster and everyone but me shakes their heads.

"This is not good. Very very very not good," I say and stand up.

I start pacing while mumbling to myself while the five kids watch me move back and forth.

"Well, I was working on traveling through the multiverse. Maybe the blast ripped open a hole and I was sent through? This could all be a dream and I could be in a coma right now. Or I could have been kidnapped and made to think that I am crazy so they can break me. Or this could be a prank by the other Avengers, no, they wouldn't do that," I mumble while pacing around the five people.

"This is Beck, It has to be, there's no way that I traveled through the multiverse. Somehow he survived and is after me again. Why doesn't he just kill me though?" I mumble to myself as I pace.

"Look Deku, it's another one of you," The girl says and the kid with gree hair laughs.

"How about you calm down? We don't need another Deku," The boy with spikey blonde hair says and I turn to him.

"I'm leaving," I say and start to the door I can see.

I am out the door and down the hall before anyone else can move and then they are chasing me. I pick up the pace, of course, this is an illusion. I run down hall after hall until I get fed up. I create an ice hammer with my frost giant powers and break the window and jump down three stories.

Peter Parker One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora