I Love You

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(Jennie pov)

I have to find some kind of way to get that gay boy away from 'MY' man but how? I thought for a while but then I came up with a perfect way.

(The next day)

I saw Jungkook and that b*tch being all lovey-dovey and chatting with their friends. I want Jungkook to be mine and he s going to be mine but, I can't go back to that mental institute, I won't go back. I thought that a good old fashion bullying but with a little bit of water would teach him his lesson. I told my girls the plan and we already knew what to do.


My girls and I waited in the boy's bathroom from Jimin to walk by and when he did we yank him into the bathroom and now the fun can begin.

(Jimin pov)

I got pulled into the bathroom harshly. My butt hit the floor causing me to hiss out of pain. I look up and see Jennie and her minions. "J-Jennie, what do you want?" I ask. I was about to get up but two of Jennie's friends pinned my arms to the floor, while two others pinned my legs to the floor making it impossible to move.

"What I want is for you to leave Jungkook!"

"He doesn't love you!" I yelled back.

"Oh, he 'WILL' love me but because of your sl*t self, he won't! Why don't you just die?!" Jennie said before slapping me across my face. She walks away and then came back with a red bucket filled with water. "One, two, three!" She yelled as all her friends quickly move to avoid getting wet. Meanwhile, I was soaked. Jennie then through the bucket straight at my face. 

"Can't you see that being gay is wrong?" One of her friends say.

"You're so nasty!"Another one says making others laugh.

"Since your so desperate to be a girl and date guys why don't we make you look like a girl." Jennie said as she and her friends began to try and unclothe me. Tears started to flow down my face as I tried to stop them from clawing off my clothes. 

"C' mon sl*t, will help you!"

"Yeah, don't be afraid." They said all laughing and ripping my clothes. 

"Stop being a b*tch Jimin," Jennie said she was about to slap me but she didn't. I opened my eyes to see Jungkook right in front of me gripping Jennie's hand tightly. All her minions had back away from me so now I was safely behind my boyfr-Jungkook.

"Jennie!" He grumbles. "The HELL do you think you're doing?!" he asks.

"J-Jungkookie...honey." Jennie couldn't speak.

"For god sakes, stop calling me that!" Jungkook said and let go of her hand.

"WHY?! WHY DO YOU LOVE THIS SL*T?!" She yelled at him. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! WHAT DO YOU EVEN SEE IN THAT...PATHIC PICE OF SH-" before Jennie can finish Jungkook slaps her.


"B-but Jungkook oppa! Everyone can see how well you and Jennie go together! She's so much prettier th-"

"Shut up!" Jennie yells at her friend before storming out. 

"Get out, all of you and don't call me oppa," Jungkook said darkly and all the girls scurry out. Jungkook turns to me when they were all finally gone. "A-are you okay, Jimin? What did they do?" Jungkook asks as he holds my face. I couldn't help but start to cry. Jungkook just hugs me and then he lifts me up bridal style and takes me to his house.

(Jungkook pov)

I somehow manage to unlock the door to my house without dropping or letting go of my baby. I carried him upstairs and to my bathroom and sit him down on the counter. "Baby are you alright?" I ask. He just nodded. I see his torn clothes and I can't help but feel angry at myself for not being there sooner but also angry at Jennie for doing this. I kiss Jimin's lips and he kisses me back. When I pull away I see he's crying. "Baby, please tell me what's wrong? Please!" I beg.

"J-Jungkook...d-don't you think..I'm nasty?" he asks me.

"Baby, we've already been through this remember? I don't think your nasty or disgusting, I think your the most beautiful thing to ever walk on earth.

"W-what about the fact th-that I'm gay?" he asks.

"Jimin, I'm gay too. You were the one who even told me that there was nothing wrong with being gay and there are people out there that will support me and love me for who I am and you were right, baby. Plus, I love the fact that your gay because that means that I can be with you and I can kiss you whenever I want." I said and started to kiss all over his face making him giggle. "There's my beautiful smiley mochi. Baby, I love you and whatever those girls said was not true." I told him.

"Thank you kookie." He said kissing me on my cheek. 

"I'll go get you some clothes."

"Okay. Can you text Jinne hyung to get my stuff from the bathroom and my locker and take them to my mom's house?" 

"Sure. I'll also tell him to tell her that you're staying over." I said and winked at him making him blush.


Thank you for this amazing idea

They... (Look at me using non-binary terms since I don't know what gender pronouns use! *high-five self because I feel proud for some reason*) ANNNNNNYYYYYway, came up with this idea. So thank you so much, Ily!😘❤

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