Interest Level: 0, (Revali x Reader)

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Eloquence seemed to trickle from his lips like cool crisp water running through the smooth pebbles of a remote forest stream. You sighed, deciding to relinquish yourself to the torment of the bright lively party that went on around the town. Every word that dropped from his mouth was seemingly filled with sincerity. The way his eyes flickered around in various directions, the way he never quite leaned into the conversation, or the way his arms remained crossed over his puffed chest signaled to you that none of this was sincere in the slightest.

Rather than submit your time to this "festival," you opted to slink away in the passing moments of boisterous laughter to make your way back to the safety and comfort of your home. Home, the place you could be when you didn't want to see or hear another living being. It was truly where the heart is.

"Hey." An extended arm caught you in your retreat. "No." It was a simple command coming from your father and you knew exactly what he meant. You weren't leaving the festival.

He had insisted that you, your brother, sister, and mother all attend this festival to honor the Champions as they made their way around Hyrule to receive everyone's upmost praise for what they've yet to do. It was all overrated if anyone asked you, but no one did.

"Don't you want the shop set up for tomorrow?" You figured it was worth a try. Physical labor was better than standing around wanting to pick your eyes out. "I can go home and get everything ready! Then when the festival is over you all can just go to bed." A large smile crossed your face.

He watched you for a moment, outwardly caught off guard by your request since you weren't the one to offer to do anything. A pondering second later, he agreed. "Fine, but if you finish early come back."

"Oh, you know I will!" An elated laugh escaped your lips before you shook your head, opting to keep it together so your father wouldn't have any reason to revoke his side to the agreement.

Not a second sooner, you were off, rushing happily back to your home that was merely yards away. While you wouldn't be out of the festival's grasp, you would be able to potentially block it all out. The wooden door slammed behind you as you leaned against it with a relieved huff. Finally.

The sounds of the festivities soon died down as people dispersed into smaller groups to chat individually among the Champions and princess, who was rarely seen around Hyrule without a large entourage of heavily armored men surrounding her. It was a nice gesture for them to come, but none of it mattered to you. The so called "Calamity" hadn't shown its ugly face near Hateno even though they had been going on and on about it for a few years now. A few older fellows attributed it to some sort of "government conspiracy" and insisted the King had made it up to keep everyone at bay. While you weren't thrilled with the Champions, you weren't that crazy.

Slowly but surely, the shop was cleaned and prepped for the busy market day to come. The merchandise sat neatly on the shelves that lined the creaky wooden walls. The money from today's hours was safely packed away in the chest father kept beneath the floorboards. Everyone's bed was nicely made with the pillows fluffed perfectly for when they returned home. Everything was done and you could finally relax.

That is, if your younger brother hadn't burst inside calling your name.

"What?" You peered over the side of the sleeping loft where you had just fallen onto the bed to rest your aching feet. "Grant, I'm tired. Can this wait 'til tomorrow?"

"Not exactly..." his voice trailed off as he climbed the steps. He kept his tone low as if he was holding a secret that absolutely nobody could hear. "Iris is missing."

Your heart dropped. "You're sure she isn't with the other kids?" Now, with renewed energy, you hopped to your feet and began tugging on your worn shoes. The soles were falling out, the sides needed to be stitched, and the laces were made from rope that came with a tied stack of wheat. They weren't much, but they worked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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