Chapter 2: Hey, Batter, Batter!!! SWING!!!

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She was wide awake with her knees pulled as close to her chest as possible. Her hands were shielding her face as she faced to the right. She was screaming at an invisible attacker. She didn't see me yet hovering over her at the end of her bed.

Her parents aren't home, which I think is a very common thing for them, so she had no one to wake up with her horror filled screams. She lived in the middle of nowhere so there are no neighbors to hear the screams either.

She looked like she was in so much pain and sadness. It shook me to my very core to see her like this.

This has happen before with very few other children. I usually work quicker to put them to sleep and that's the end of it. Their painful screaming goes away as I help them sink into a dreamland to make them forget their pain, their sadness.

However, her outburst froze me. I stood there not knowing what to do. Not moving. Not breathing. Not thinking.

My mind screamed at me. What the fuck are you doing Sandman??? This is not the protocol for an outburst!!! This is how you get caught or even worse killed!!! Why are you just standing there frozen??? It's just a simple human!!! A beautiful creature in pain and you just standing there!!! What has gotten into you?!?!?

Something about her just put me in a trance. I didn't realize that the screaming stop and I was still just standing there. Frozen in her addicting trance.

She was catching her breath. Ragged inhales and exhales. She rubbed off the cold sweat that collected in a thin layer across her porcelain forehead. Her legs fell gracefully at the side of her bed. Her over size pajama pants flowing around them. Lightly swaying because of gravity. Her arms unshielded her face. She slowly collected herself after what happen.

I still stood there frozen. Awing over this creature before me.

She rested her hands beside her taking everything in around her. Remembering what happened and recollecting that it wasn't real. She is safe in her room. No attackers. But no one there to comfort her.

She let out a sigh of relief, but it was still laced with pain and sadness. I was still holding my breathe, trapped in her never ending trance.

All of the sudden she stiffened. Like she felt an unwelcome present. She slowly turned her head to see the other half of her room.

Her perfect multicolored speckled eyes slowly landed on me. I was sucked even further into her staggering trance. I slowly let out the breathe I was holding.

I was quickly pulled out of her enchantment when her perfect face contorted into fear. She started screaming again but this time it was out of pure fear.

I flinch in realization how much of a fucking idiot I am. I backed up to the wall because I wasn't thinking at all. I didn't know what else to do at the time. She was still screaming, probably at my hideousness. Damnit!!

Her quick movements to get up and the sudden stop of her screams startled me. She quickly went to the side of her dresser to pick something up that I couldn't see.

As she slowly lifted the item away from the dresser. I saw it was a Panic! At The Disco baseball bat.

Fuck! Shit!!! This is not going to end well for me.

She slowly raised it into position like she was about to hit a base ball. Then she slowly started circling me. Her grip on the bat tightening with each step she took. Anger and fear dancing across her face. Her fearful eyes never leaving me.

I still stood pressed against the wall dumbfounded. Nothing worked. I couldn't think. My feet glued to the floor. My whole body as motionless as a statue. My eyes following her every move. I was trapped.

A piercing scream rip through the silence that was created when she went for the bat earlier.

She screamed in fear and angry at me. I caused this. I caused this fear. I caused this anger. I will never forgive myself for causing any emotion other than happiness for this precious creature.

That thought distracted me long enough for her to get close enough.

Before I knew it she raised the bat and was aiming right at me. Another scream pounded at my ears as she swung the bat right at me.

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