Chapter 15: Put On Your Warpaint

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*Thanks again paperbackwriter92 for making the amazing edit for this chapter cover. I really appreciate her so do me a favor and go read her stories. They are great*
*trigger warning: fights; blood; death*



"JEZ?!? Fuck! Not again!"

The carousel begins to rock as we hear loud bangs coming from all directions. The stomping of boots come towards us. Where is Jez?? What the hell is going on?!

Cloaked figures begin to appear one by one. Surrounding us. We back up against each other looking around trying to figure it all out.

There is about thirty-five of them. They are all wearing black cloaks. They have identical pale masks with black lifeless pits as eyes. Shadows dance across the eerily unnatural beings. They all have different black croaked smiles etched onto them.

They stand there. Staring at us. Analyzing us. Like a predator watching their pray.

"What are these fugly things?" H. whispers a little too loud.

"I don't know," Benzi murmured.

"They're misfits. I've read about them," Donnie calmly states. "They are Suitehearts that went rouge."

"Oh. They are still fucking ugly," H. let's out.

They rushed forward. Some have small daggers others are brave enough just to use their hands.

One stabs straight down at me. I grab it's arm and twist it. I hit its arm and the blade drops as I push it back to knock down the others that are coming towards me.

H. pulled out his baton he hides in his left boot. He is hitting and dodging blows. Donnie is using their force to knock out the others. One came running at him and he just smoothly side stepped. It collided with another and they both went sailing off the carousel into the slime pit to die.

Benzi is fighting one that has a knife. He is blocking each swing and hitting back. He throat punches the misfit causing it to drop the weapon and to fall off the carousel.

Benzi reaches into the nearest world and pulls out a microphone stand. He begins twirling it around. Knocking out anything in its path. His wise hands twisting and toying with the pieces.

While Benzi preaches electric to a microphone stand, I get hit in the face a couple of times. This misfit just won't let up. I keep punching it in the stomach like it's my personal punching bag but none of the hits look like they are doing anything. It doesn't help my mind is on Jez.

Jez! That's it. I remember when we first met. How she couldn't take me out at first. Perfect! I suddenly drop and swing my arm out at the misfit. Hitting it in the crotch. It makes a shrill scream and collapse. I kick its disabled body off the ride.

I look down with triumph and take a breathe. A heavy weight lands on my back. I stubble forward almost falling off the ride. I grab on of the poles and turn myself around.

I fiercely swing my body back and forth trying to throw the misfit off my back. It's arms slowly tighten around my neck. My vision starts to fade. My energy is decreasing.

"Fffuckk... iiit..." I pull the misfit's arm up to my mouth. My wide black lips enclose around a portion of the limb. My big white sharp teeth dig into the skin. I bit down with full force of my jaw and latched on.

This one's scream was deeper. He didn't loosen his grip at first so I didn't loosen mine. I felt his warm blood start to flow down my chin. The iron taste was pure. It let go and stared pounding its fist on my head. I let go and flipped it over my head. It landed on the carousel floor with a thud. Donnie used his powers to levitate it off the ride.

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