Chapter 11: The Accident

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She squealed before racing to check out the bathroom. I'm really glad she likes it all. She deserves more though.

"Me and Benzi are heading out. Meet us back at the carousel whenever you are done," I call to her as I put my cape back on.

"Mmhhh," is all I hear from her. She is too distracted by having her own bathroom and everything in it being fancy. That's a good thing.

"See you later, Sugar," I chuckle out. I'm amused on how easily impressed she is.

She is not one of those kids who stand there with their arms crossed, nose turned up like they're saying "impress me, good luck". I don't have to prove myself to her.

"See ya guys," She shouts out still entranced by all the new things that are hers.

"Goodbye, Jez." Benzi is so formal.

Both me and Benzi leave the house. I can hear Panic! At The Disco playing as we walk off the porch. I'm really glad she found music. It really helps. It's an escape. It provides happiness. Punk rock will never leave you alone. No matter what you can always turn to it.

"So, did the tour really go well?" I asked Benzi as we weave our way out of the graveyard.

"Overall? Yes, but at first it was awkward. Which is understandable with what all went down before it. She is very quiet. However, when she does talk, she can take anyone's full attention. She just polite and smart," Benzi explains. "She broke the tension between us. I was too stupid to do it."

"You're not stupid Benzi. I know it's hard to fix things between others. She just good at it, maybe? How did she do it?" My best friend is far from stupid.

You know when you have that friend who just thinks they're a loser and you know they're not a loser? And you kinda wanna be like "Hey, Idiot"? Yeah that is Dr. Benzedrine.

"Yeah she is good at it. She just got tired of the silence, I guess. She started to try to get to know me by asking questions and being honest. Did you know she brought a bunch of movies with her? She can quote Ghostbusters!!!" He joyfully informs me.

"No! Really?!? Awesome! I'll have to get her to show me all of them. I'm glad you two found something to bond over. Especially something great like Ghostbusters!" I beam at him. I love that movie, but I am a bigger Star Wars fan. I hope she has at least one of those.

"I know right! We even talked about doing a marathon of movies. We should really try to do it." He sounds really happy. He loves movies and it sounds like she does too. You don't know how glad I am that my best friend is getting along with the girl I love.

We reach the mirror portal and jump through it. Back on the carousel we head to where H. and Donnie are.

"Yeah we should. It be fun. We can have human food!!" My mouth waters at the thought. We don't have to eat food to survive, but we eat it sometimes just for the flavors.

"Yum!" Benzi agrees as he rubs his belly. We walk past the antic horses.

"Anything else?" I'm intrigued by anything she does.

"Not really. She kept her questions to herself. Probably trying to figure them out on her own. She seems like the human to do that. Each world went smoothly. Except.....I think HE was in the lab when we were." He sounded cheerful, but it turned to nervousness when he brought up him. It stopped me in my tracks.

"H-he was there? Did she see him? Did you tell her about him? Does she know about your powers?" I turn unsettled too. Oh no, this could be bad.

"I think so, just lurking around. I don't know why. I don't think she did. If she did, she didn't say anything. She saw him on the card and questioned it. I just told her you added him for no reason. No, I didn't tell her about any of our powers. I didn't know what all you told her or what you want her to know." He sounded so uneasy. Almost scared.

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