Chapter 12: 20 Dollar Nose Bleed (Ft. Brendon Urie)

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*Thanks again paperbackwriter92  for making the amazing edit for this chapter cover. I really appreciate her so do me a favor and go read her stories. They are great*


I fall into darkness. Clutching Jez to my chest like my life depended on it. It does. If something happens to her, I don't want to go on.

After what felt like hours, I hit some hard plastic. We start sliding down it. It curves and spins in the most random ways. It's a gigantic fun slide.

After a feet yards, the slide starts to enclose and light up. Greens and purples light the way down the slide. Reds and yellows mix in every so often. I can hear soft music in the background. It reminded me of The Beatles but it isn't them. A voice saying "Welcome to the sound of Pretty Odd" played on loop.

The further we go the more illuminated the ride gets. I start to see painted flowers. Daisies, tulips, roses, sunflowers etc. spread out on the top of the plastic. Leaves and stems connect some of them. Crickets and clovers are spotted throughout. It stops. Like someone started but never finished. Like there was suppose to be more to go with it.

All of the sudden the plastic stops. We fall straight down. I'm praying to anything that might be listening that through all this tugging around she will be fine. I tried to keep her as still as I could. Hugging her as close to me as possible.

I spin us to where when we land I will be on my back with her cradled on top. Sacrificing my body to protect her.

What we land on cushions us. I softly sink into it. Staring blankly up to the darkness we just came from. Halfway blinded from the bright room we ended up in.

I close my eyes trying to relax after all of that. I here a couple "oof's" and groans as I feel the others drop onto the soft landing beside us.

I open my eye and turn my head to see H. face first on floral fabric. He duffel bag rolled away from him. Donnie is in like a superhero landing position, he can catch anything even himself. His duffel bag is in his hand. Benzi is in the same position as me.

I slowly sit up the best I can. Still supporting Jez. She looks worse. If that's even possible. I want to cry every time I look at her. Knowing how powerless and small we both are in this situation.

The room is brightly light. What we landed on were pillows. So many different shapes and sizes, but they all had flowers on them. Many different types. Some I'm not sure what they are. Vibrant blues and purples bloom against white. Reds and oranges against gray.

The room had white walls with vines creeping up them. On top were sunflowers with victorian women's head painted on top. Small wooden tables spread out along the perimeter. Vases with more plants sit on top. Trays with fancy alcohol sit beside them. Crystal glass filled with gin and whiskey waited for the owner.

There is a big red door that is shut. I stand and move off the pillows to the flower pattern rugs that cover almost all of the marble floor.

One by one the rest get up and onto the carpet. Groaning and cracking bones along they way. We're old and not use to all that movement.

"Now wwhat? Look at her she's not ggonna make it!!" My voice belts out cracking the whole way. I'm so frustrated and sad. I feel so weak. I can't handle emotions. I hold her gently close. Protecting her like a parent would there infant.

"Sandy, calm down. You don't know that for sure," Donnie tries to reassure me.

"Yeah. I can tell she is strong and a fighter. Look at how far she had come already," Benzi joins in as he walks to us.

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