I slashed her...  But she disappeared. How? I got her pinned down! Damn. Must have a clone out to trick me. 

"..." I sat down on a box and sighed heavily. "How can i let that little kid go like that?" I told myself.

I stood up from my spot. 

"Hold up." I grabbed my back pocket to get my pocket notebook. "Hmmm..." I check around the pages and I put it back in my back pocket.

"Time to go home i guess. Wonder what's for dinner." As i disappeared from the scene.

End flashback...

"Don't you shoot! Or I'll blow up the adjacent buildings! I've rigged them all with explosives!" A criminal shouted to make the police not shoot.

As i looked on the adjacent buildings, i saw a familiar red costume. Wait. 


"Are you kidding me?" I cringed.

That guy right there is the worst hero I've ever seen. I may be a bit of an "anti-hero", but not this on this level. The guy is literally borderline villain-like. Cares only for fame, trained his son brutally. Well, that second part is mostly rumored. But from his attitude, I assume that's true.

"I better get this over with. That guy is sure to do more bad than good." I told myself as i walk to the burning bank. 

"Settle down everyone. Let the guy have his getaway." I as walk next to a police officer.

"The Wind Phantom!" The officer said startled as he looked to his left.

"Don't even try to do anything. I'll kill the hostages and blow off the buildings as i said." The criminal said trying to intimidate me.

 I blinked and my left eye pupil turned from black to white.

"Don't worry about it bud." I said to the criminal. Reassuring him to go to his "getaway" vehicle. Which was a sedan? What a car.

"Don't you fuckin move!" The criminal screamed as he tip-toes to the getaway vehicle.

But no worries. I already saw what's he's gonna do. With my eye, i can see anything and everything. I already have the perfect trap for him.

"Just DIE ALREADY!" Endeavor screamed out of nowhere and spilled his fire all over the criminal and the money bag... And also the hostage...

As i looked at the direction where the fire is going, it hits multiple people and severely burned one or two of their body parts. Jeez. What a douche.

"You're not doing anything helpful No. 2." I said as i mocked Endeavor's hero rank.

"Who do you think you are kid?" Endeavor said with anger looking at me. As his flames grow bigger and bigger.

"Heroes are supposed to deal with any criminal activity with peace and negotiation. Not putting him in the microwave. You also killed an innocent hostage by the way." I said plainly to Endeavor.

"Why, you..." Endeavor said as he gets ready to punch me.

"Wind Blast." I said before I palmed his stomach.


Endeavor is flown a mile away from the crime scene. That guy is just a pile of leftover brains smashed together into one. What retardedness to try me in public.

"Sorry for the inconvenience everyone." I said apologizing to the police.

"Sir." All the policemen on the scene saluted to me.

"Don't do that any more guys. I'm just a normal person like you all." I said with my usual blank/don't give a fuck tone.

I walked away from the scene and nearby alley. Where i would disappear literally off the scene.

At Cyclone's house...

I reappeared and about to go into the house but then...

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"̸͚̰͕̣̫̒̇Ẃ̵̝̰̗̼̤͘͜h̷̹̜̫̜͎̰̪͈͋͌͌̅͠y̷̧͔͖̜̾̂͌̾̎̑̇̽͆ ̸̨̹̝̥̤̐̃͘͜͝c̸͈̄͛̇͂å̴̝̺̩̺̙̲̈́̀͑͗̑̎́͠ǹ̴̜̯̜̙̐͑͂̈̐'̵̢̧̥̼̩̠͕̞̜̙̔̈́̄͗̈́̓̃̀͝t̷̠͖͉̝̝̻͛ ̵̫͓̲̝̹͉̀͑̊͌̃̍͝i̸̢̧̩͈͙̭͚͈͚̎͋̏̒͠ ̵̨̢͙̣̝͖̗̜̙̈́̐̂̐̔̈́͜ĺ̷̨͈̻̙̓̆̌̒̉̓̄i̷͚̩̔͝v̴̺̩̀̄͆͌̍̐̒̈͠ę̸̟̟̤̞͕̘̑̊̅̀͜͝ ̶͈̻̟̬͕́̿̒́̾̏̃̊m̸͙̞͚̣͚̋̐̆͑͐ͅͅỵ̴̧͔̋̍̓͜ ̶̗̗͎̰͑̿ͅn̶̡̡̮͔̝͈̪̯̔õ̸̱̲̜̤̦͎̤̘̓̿ř̷̹̰͓͈̀͂̓͝m̷̡̯̖̞̊͆̈́́͊̽̽̄̾̅ą̶̫̤̲̜̓̊̔͛̈́̈́̕͠ļ̶̯̳͍̖̹̀͌ ̴̡̰̘̜̮̱̤̣̯́ͅf̷̬̻͋͒̌́̈̓͝u̸͔̮̰͆͋̇͐̏͋͛̿̔ĉ̴̖̍̒́͛ḱ̵͈̙̫̦̀̚î̵̦̣̜̗͖̘͍̈͊͗͂̕͝n̴̤̱̤͆̓̄͛́͆͜͠ ̷̼̳̃̔͂̈́ş̴̧̢̛̙̜̟͋̐̊̈́̕͝͝͝t̵͖̞͉̟̫̄̇̊u̷̠͔͈̺͋́̏̈̋̈̎̄͋p̷̱͓̗̙͈͕͎̟̀̇͐̒̌͜į̵͓̏̃̊̊̿͛̔͐̕͝d̵̳̬̃͑̈́̌ ̶̥͗̑͝͝l̵͓͚͔͒̕ï̴̛̳̣͍̤͚̜͖̺̳͙͌͂f̵̹͎͈̭̱̭͕̀̒͋͒̉̒̊̅̂ẻ̶͚̺͈͌̂͘!̴̢͛̍͒̉̉̋̈ͅ?̴̝͆̌̈́͑̌͐͌̈́͑͜͝"̵̧͕̟̥͕̮̬̩͌̓̒̐


Third Person's P. O. V


And after the "blessing", Cyclone collapsed on the floor. 


A-kun: Ain't That Sweet For A First Chapter. And Yes, I'm Finally Swearing On A Book. Do You Like It? Or Nah? Anyway, This Is The First Chapter, And I'm Out This Book! See You Next Chapter!

Word Count: 1020 Words

7:40 PM

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