Chapter 14

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'We're here in the city of love. Ah, Paris! On this special occasion of ours, I find myself pondering whether we can truly refer to it as a honeymoon. We don't look at each other or pay attention to each other. His face remained devoid of a smile, and his eyes lacked any trace of emotion. Is it wrong to feel affection for him?' Marydeth pondered quietly within her own mind.

No matter how many times she pondered the question of whether her actions were right or wrong, the answer remained unchanged. From the very beginning, it was clear that she had made an error. And yet, she proceeded to compound her misjudgement by exploiting Calven's father for her personal advantage.

In the Paris hotel that Marydeth owns, they are still in their room. The man found himself sitting in bed, occupied with the task of organizing his belongings, while she remained outside on the veranda.

"Do not anticipate that I will harbor affection for you. I married you solely with the intention of reclaiming the company that my father had dedicated his efforts to." Counting the number of times Calven had taught her these words was a task that eluded Marydeth.

Her conscience plagued her relentlessly, tormenting her at nearly every hour. Despite the fact that she and the man had only just begun to form a connection, she couldn't escape the weight of her actions and felt compelled to see them through to the end.

Marydeth gazed deeply into the man's eyes. The intense flames in its eyes were a reflection of the overwhelming hatred that nearly overwhelmed him. Devoid of the necessary strength to utter a single word, she remained silent, fully aware of her own fallibility.

In order to ensure her offer would not be rejected, she took action to dismantle Calven's father's company.

The one responsible for making that happen was her butler. To her surprise, Calven's reaction was not one of acceptance, but rather, he harbored a deep hatred towards her. What was her expectation?

"Considering how good you are, are you that bored to use your money to bring someone's company down?" With a sneer, Calven directed his gaze toward her.

She was unable to speak. When all the words that escape her lips prove to be incorrect for Calven, what will be her rationale?

The reason she will provide remains unchanged. For love, she performed those actions. In her desperate attempt to claim Calven's name as her own, she committed unspeakable acts because of an intense love that consumed her. However, her devious plan ultimately turned against her, resulting in unforeseen consequences.

Calven rose from his seat. If looks could kill, Marydeth is probably six feet beneath.

The man moved closer to her, his actions growing more intense as he vigorously shook her shoulders. She winced in pain as a result of the man's actions, which she believed she deserved.

"Answer me! Is having money truly a desirable thing? Playing with people can be quite enjoyable, don't you think? Is it enjoyable??" He raised his voice, directing his anger toward her face. Marydeth was shocked when her husband pulled her hair. Her throat tightened as she swallowed hard.

"CK, please, stop it." Since she was used to being begged from, she was in no position to make such a plea as she was in pain, but she did so to the man anyhow.

"Does it cause any pain? Do you not understand the immense pain that arises from witnessing one's own father grappling with a predicament caused by the very woman whom I chose to marry?" The room was filled with the echoing sound of his voice.

Marydeth carefully selects this private room located on the top floor, specifically for this purpose. She is aware that Calven's anger is about to erupt.

"I'm not sure, CK! I'm not sure! My vision was suddenly taken away from me, for my affection for you is so strong." Marydeth said in her defense.

Calven clenched his jaw. "You were unaware, as you have never experienced the sensation of being a failure." The man yelled.

Marydeth's eyes well up with tears, cascading down her cheeks, while she gently shakes her head in a solemn display of disagreement.

"In the past, I experienced a sense of failure prior to reaching the place where I currently find myself. I believed that by doing that, it would inspire love within you. I am sorry! I apologize if my immaturity has caused both love and pain to intertwine within our relationship. CK, I have an immense love for you. Please reciprocate my love," she pleaded, kneeling before him, desperately seeking his affection.

Calven's gaze was icy as he looked at her. "F*ck!" Calven gazed at her with a cold expression, devoid of any emotion, for a brief period. Then he forcefully kicked the chair and departed from the room they were currently in.

Marydeth found herself trapped indoors, her tears cascading down her face with the force of a mighty river. Indeed, it is true that sometimes, despite possessing all that one could desire, there remains an elusive something that cannot be obtained.

Following her father's passing, she embraced solitude. Yet, upon encountering CK, she began yearning for his affection, envisioning a life together.

However, now that they are entangled, she finds herself regretting their fateful encounter, as it has only brought her anguish and heartache. The love she feels for Calven is causing her immense pain, so much so that she yearns for the ability to reverse the passage of time.

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