Chapter 8

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Following the incident in the cafeteria, Calven promptly departed from the premises, trailing behind Jay. Calvin clenches his teeth tightly. The man went so far as to tug at his own hair. His annoyance towards Marydeth was quite evident. They walked back to their room, passing through the lobby.

The woman's intense infatuation with him has led to his strong aversion to her. He truly dislikes the attitude of girls like Marydeth. The temperature of his blood was rising rapidly.

'Perhaps you are suggesting that the reason for your statement is rooted in your own affinity for girls and your desire to preserve your image as the popular person at school?' whispered a fragment of his consciousness.

"No!" he exclaimed abruptly.

A frown appeared on his friend's face as he looked at him. "What 'no' are you saying there, man?" Jay asked.

In response to this, he gently shook his head. Surprisingly, a portion of his mind began to think in such a manner, catching him off guard. Indeed, he readily acknowledges the undeniable beauty and angelic countenance of Marydeth. However, he harbors a certain disapproval of her demeanor and conduct.

'Absolutely not!' Once more, he let out a resounding yell within the confines of his mind. He ensures that he refrains from verbalizing his thoughts. Because his friend had a habit of gossiping and was quite chatty, he chose to keep his thoughts to himself.

He refrained from burdening his thoughts with Marydeth's problem as his father's predicament loomed larger in his mind. Despite his father's advice not to worry about it, he is actively seeking ways to alleviate his father's problem. Calvin simply cannot control his impulses.

"Goodfield has a strong liking for you. What was it that you fed her to ignite such an intense obsession towards you?" In a sudden burst of laughter, Jayson exclaimed that he was once again the target of teasing.

"Jay, she breathes the same air as I do. I'm not quite sure about the other drugs she had inhaled," he confessed to his friend, who couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Jayson continued to laugh, unable to stop, as he repeated, "You charmed her with your charms." With a hint of exasperation, he allowed his eyes to roll in response to his friend's actions.

With an air of arrogance, he confidently addressed his friend, Jay, pointing out the obvious difference in their appearances. He suggested that Jay consider undergoing surgery to enhance his own features in an attempt to put an end to the teasing.

"Is it necessary for this handsomeness of mine to undergo surgery?" Jay casually responded, "It seems like your vision might be a bit blurry, my friend," as he noticed the other person still gesturing confidently with their handsomeness.

They have a deep understanding of one another, sharing a bond that can only be described as that of best friends. This crazy friend of his is truly thought of in the same way by them. As they approached the lecture room entrance, an unexpected moment unfolded.

Suddenly, a mysterious individual seized their face and engaged in a fervent and impassioned kiss.

He lacked surprise, for his inclination towards women was constant. Thus, when a girl unexpectedly bestowed a kiss upon him, he reciprocated with equal fervor as a man who yearned for such affection.

Their lips met in a manner reminiscent of passionate French norms. Calven couldn't help but smirk, although he found the woman's mouth rather unappealing. The dryness of the woman's mouth is quite noticeable.

"Whoa!" Jay and the people surrounding them erupted in a chorus of startled exclamations, leaving Calven momentarily oblivious to their presence in the lobby.

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