Chapter 25, Part 1: Penny's POV

Start from the beginning

"I'm really concerned, Penny," Cooper said as soon as he closed his office door.

"Concerned about what?" I asked.

Cooper leaned against his desk in front of me. "About what is happening to you."

"Um ... you're gonna have to be more specific, Cooper."

"Okay, then let's start with you falling asleep in class today."

My eyes went wide for a second. "Who told you I fell asleep?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that you fell asleep, Penny."

"I really didn't mean to, Cooper, I just ... I just had a lot of my mind."

"Like what?"

"I don't know ... like how I was gonna tell Coach Merrill that I quit soccer."

"Why in the world did you quit soccer?" Cooper asked, shock still evident in his tone.

"I already told you why," I said, "because I wanted to."

"That's not a good reason to quit, Penny."

"Well it's my reason, Cooper." My brother crossed his arms. "Whether you accept it or not is up to you."

"Well I don't accept it, so I want you to tell me a valid reason for quitting."

"Why does it matter what my reason is?"

"Because I don't want you to give up on something that you really like."

"Who ever said I really like playing soccer?"

"Well it sure seemed like you did."

"So once again you just assumed that I 'really like' something without knowing all the facts." Cooper glared at me. It quickly became clear that this conversation wasn't really about soccer anymore. "You really shouldn't get involved with stuff that I may or may not like, Cooper ... because we all know what happens when you assume."

"Okay, I know that you're still upset that I tried to set you up with Emmett—"

"Hell yeah I am," I said. "I'm still waiting for a proper apology from you."

"Excuse me, Penelope?" Cooper snapped.

"Well I am," I said, my tone not as confident as it had been moments ago.

"You do not speak to me like that," he said as he stood up so that he was towering over me.

"Sorry," I mumbled in hopes of getting him to back up.

"You better not be acting this way because of Zach Oliver."

"You never apologized for what you did, Cooper," I said, completely ignoring his dig at Zach.

My brother sighed as he leaned back on his desk and ran his fingers through his hair. "I apologize if I made you feel embarrassed, Penny, because that was not my intention. But what I will not apologize for is trying to protect you from that kid."

That wasn't the heartfelt apology I had been waiting for. In fact, it didn't even sound sincere.

"And what is this about you bringing Zach Oliver to the house yesterday?" Cooper asked.

I sighed. "I invited Zach over to help me with my homework. It wasn't a big deal until Ben and Dana made it one."

"Penny, it is a big deal! You can't just—"

"Cooper, please. Dana and Ben have already lectured me about this. I don't need you to lecture me too."

"Well obviously you do if you still don't think it's a big deal!"

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