"Please Go, Carter"

Start from the beginning

I pouted "and Nate"

He shook his head, pissed off "hell no "

I got up from my chair and moved over to Carter and sat down on his lap "please. You can do some recon. Blair hates Nate's new girlfriend. You could find out if she's really that bad. I bet Bree is perfectly nice...even thought she is a Buckley. I mean, Nate's she has got to be nice if Nate likes her"

He sighed and put a hand on my lap "uh,unfortunately, i do have more people who owe me money to talk to"

I sighed "fine"

Suddenly my phone rang. 

I looked at it. It was a text from Blair. 

From : Blair

I can't come to the brunch with Nate, Bree and Chuck. 

Step in for me, would you?


To: Blair


I sighed. 

Carter asked worried "what's wrong?"

Me "Blair's out. Which means i'm alone with Chuck and Bree"

Carter "and Nate"

His jaw clenched. 

I kissed his jaw and he relaxed "don't get all jealous"

Carter "how can i not? it's Nate after all. "

I shook my head "but nothing is going to happen"

He shot me a look. 

I shot him a one back. 

Then he sighed "fine"

I smiled and kissed him "See you later"

At the brunch.

I was sitting next to Chuck across from Nate. 

Across from Chuck was sitting Bree next to Nate. 

Chuck "so, Bree, you went home last week?"

Bree nodded "Yeah, i tried to mend the "I'm dating a Vanderbilt" fence. Didn't work. We're southern so family loyalty's really big"

I fake smiled "Like slavery"

I hate her. I don't know why but i hate her. 

Chuck shot me a look. 

I asked irritated "What? Im joking. You know i'm joking, right, Bree?"

She nodded. 

Nate eyed me with a look. 

I smirked and shot him one back. 

Nate "How are you doing, Fla? you still dating Baizen or have you come to your senses?"

Bree "Carter Baizen? is he in town? i heard he was away on business"

i raised an eyebrow at her and then looked at Nate "Yes, Nate , i'm still with Carter and i'm happy. "

Chuck asked Bree "i wasn't aware you knew Carter"

She nodded "yeah, our families used to vacation together .I've been trying to track him down"

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