Chapter 23 - I hate you.

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*Flashback to when Joe and Dianne are 13*
Dianne's POV:
"Andy! Give it back!" He waved my phone around in front of me, tossing it to Joe. "Seriously! It's not funny!"
"Andy, what's her passcode?" Joe said, smirking at me.
"Dad's birthday!" They were both running up the stairs now like two naughty five year olds.
"And that is?" Joe asked, pausing at the top of the stairs.
"Joseph Graham Sugg, I swear to god, if you don't give me my phone I'll..."
"What? Make me give it back?" He mimicked, sticking his tongue out at me.
"021149!" Andy yelled from the bottom of the stairs, suddenly racing past me to join Joe.
"And we're in!" They laughed.
"Andrew Buswell I'm actually going to kill you - you're so dead!"
"Ooh why, Dot? Is it 'private'?!" Andrew mocked, grinning at me as I folded my arms, trying to look like mum when she told us off.
"Yes, Andrew, it is!"
"Ooh sorry mum!"
"Andyyyy, look what I've found!" Joe said, excitement filling his eyes. Both boys peered over the screen, as I felt my ears grow red.
"Dot? Who's Josh?" Andy smiled sarcastically at me. Enough was enough. I charged up the stairs and hurtled towards my phone. I lunged forward, just in reach of it, only suddenly to come thudding to the floor. On top of Joe Sugg.
"Ew get off me!"
"Aww #joanne!" Andy said in a sing song tone, pointing at us both.
"Piss off!" Joe laughed, his face turning a light pink. "I would've thought it would be #joshanne!" They high-fived and walked into Joe's room. I followed, of course, I needed my phone back.
"No girls allowed, I'm afraid." Joe said, shaking his head.
"Grow up! Let me in!" He slammed the door in my face and I continued to hit it hard with both fists. "Let me in Joe!"
"Go find Josh, he'll let you in! Obviously because 'he's never felt so in love with someone'!" I cringed, hearing his text back. Don't get me wrong, I really like Josh, but he's very clingy. "Oh Di! You asked him out first, good for you! It's nice to see you get out there, considering the only friend you have is my sister!" That was it. I shoved the door with all my strength and stumbled into the room.
"Go on Dot! That was impressive. You've gotta up your game mate, start playing rugby again."
I ignored my brothers comment and grabbed my phone off Joe.
"Well done, Dianne!" I huffed a sigh and went to leave the room. "Don't forget to say hi to Josh and the rest of your imaginary friends!" I spun around on my heel and punched him square in the jaw.

*flashback to when Joe and Dianne are 15*
Joe's POV:
"Aw Soph, you know I wouldn't miss it for the world, but I really can't. We have Andy's parents round ours tonight. Mum would kill me." I jostled the keys in the door, pushing my way in.
"J. Babe. Just sneak out! Cinzia really wanted you to come! You don't have to stay for long, one drink. Please, J." I rolled my eyes, I fancied this girl, sure, but she need attention 24/7. I can't give anyone that level of commitment. Apart from my GCSE portfolio - that was taking priority tonight.
"Look, babe, I'll see what I can do. I'll give you a call later, promise."
"Okay, baby. Bye." I hung up the phone and kicked my shoes off. Ugh. I had to see Dianne tonight too.
Long story short: she was friends with this girl, Jen, and oh my god, she was fit. All my mates wanted to get with her, so I decided I'd beat them to it. Di heard about this and she confronted me, asking me to stay away. I insisted we were just friends, but she came back to ours one night and found us in bed together. To clarify, we were fully clothed, but I did have a lot of her lipstick on my face. Safe to say, she's not my biggest fan at the moment.
I placed the shopping bags I was holding on the kitchen island and checked my phone for notifications. Sophia tagged you in a post.
I opened Instagram and smiled. She might be a bit much sometimes, but, I was punching. She was incredible. I stared at my phone for a bit longer, until I heard a knock at the door.
"Alright mate?" Andy said, smiling at me as he made his way inside.
"Andy! Where'd you put my other shoe?" Dianne called from the next house along - she may be quieter now, but she still has a loud voice, her Aussie accent still strong as ever. "Oh, Joe, mum and dad will be over a bit later, they're just finishing up at work!"
"Kay, whatever." I sighed and checked my phone again as I wandered down the hall. Andy had already grabbed a beer from the fridge.
"Hey! My mum will kill you if she finds out you've had one." He shrugged and took another gulp.
"Graham will give me another one." We both laughed until we were cut of by Dianne walking into the kitchen.
"Andy, I really think you've nicked my shoe, can't find it anywhere!" I turned around to face her, my next insult already decided.
"Joseph! Language!" My mum called from upstairs. "I'll be down in a sec." I completely ignored her comment and continued to stare at Di in disbelief.
"Your hair - it's red!" I looked her up and down. It made a difference. I mean, she was always a pretty girl, but wow, she looked gorgeous. Stunning. I realised my mouth was hanging open in an 'O' shape. I closed it promptly and flipped my hair back, suddenly feeling underdressed. "It looks decent."
"Wow, Sugg. An actual compliment, maybe you are growing up a bit!"
"Don't get too ahead of yourself." I mumbled and I gestured for Andy to follow me up to my room. We passed my mum on the stairs (Andy hid his drink, don't panic), leaving her to shower Di with compliments.
I had to admit, she looked pretty good.

A/N - oooh, long chapter for ya lads! Hope you enjoyed this one, I really liked writing it. Think I might write the next chapter as a flashback to, just to give some more background (and for you to get more emotionally attached haha). Anwayyys, let me know what you're thinking or any ideas you have! Thanks so much again for the support, love ya! X

Joanne... - Joe Sugg and Dianne Buswell High School Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now