The Protectors of Jericho

Start from the beginning

The light began to dim and she carefully removed her arm before her eyes widened. To her surprise, she was definitely not standing in the bedroom she was so familiar with or any bedroom for that matter.

There she stood outside, the sun lighting up the sky of the city. New York City. But, it was hardly recognizable. Everything was nearly destroyed. Buildings were falling, cars flipped over and things caught on fire.

She was confused as to what she was seeing. This was not the city she remembered. The city had just renovated with the new technology that was created months before. Homes that were once turned into smart homes and were said to be indestructible were nearly floored and trashed.

She started walking around the suburbs of Jericho---where she lived. Everything was falling apart. She turned the corner of her street, Key Place, before freezing at the sight in front of her. Her home, the place she spent her seven years of life in. Dismantled and demolished, just as the rest of the homes that she has seen. She forced herself to walk away. She couldn't bring herself to even look inside and she knew that the home could collapsed at any minute.

She was walking around Jericho for what seemed like forever but it really was around fifteen minutes. Suddenly everything felt like slow motion. On the side of her, she saw a tilting, analog clock tower---that she had never seen before in Jericho---sounding off, slow and loud. The little hand was on fifth black line and the big hand was in the middle of sixth and seventh line. She could somehow hear the second hand ticking away loudly. She was only seven; so she could barely tell the time. It definitely wasn't the time and numbers she remembered the last time she looked at a clock. This was beginning to overwhelm her.

Then, she started hearing voices behind her. First it was a male's voice. He had asked a question...a confusing question. "Is the 'Destroyer' coming or not? Jericho's already a wreck."

The girl turned around to see Jericho's huge Public Library and five people standing out in front of it---in the parking lot---facing her way. The man had on dark grey suit pants, a white button up shirt tucked into his pants with a belt on. His creamy skin was nearly drenched from the sun and sweat.

The man in the middle of the group didn't quite look like any man she'd ever seen before. He appeared to look unnatural like an alien unnatural. His skin was a solid, pale pastel violet color with white and gold markings on his face. His eyes were completely white and so was his long hair---that nearly reached his behind. The man or alien was reaching seven foot, from the looks of it. He had on some weird-looking garbs and armor with an unearthly weapon in his hand. He stood in the middle almost like the leader of the five.

To the left of the strange man, was a woman. She was skinny with an olive skin tone to her with black hair. Her lips were thin with perfectly proportioned nose and thick, dark eyebrows. She was standing close to five foot eight with her black combat boots on, bullet-proof vest---that read LAPD--- with a black, long-sleeve shirt underneath and dark blue jeans. She had her licensed guns in both hands as her dark eyes stayed on high alert.

On her right stood a young man. He looked handsome with his brown, almond eyes and black hair color. Standing at only five foot seven, he stood with his body turned sideways but still faced the front.

He was looking towards a dark-skinned woman and for some reason the young girl felt so connected with the woman. She took a step closer as she examined the woman. Her dark skin was smooth and beautiful with thick lips, a slim nose and almond shaped---dark brown---eyes. Under her eyes, she had sleepless bags. Her curly hair was pulled into a low, loose ponytail that hung down her back. Although, she was short compared to the four with her, her eyes held an intensity that sent a chill feeling in her body. It was a look that you can tell has seen a lot of their life.

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