The Protectors of Jericho

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The night sky flashed as the lightening and thunder cracked the sky, shaking the creme painted, four bedroom home. A dark, brown skin family of three was inside of the house all huddled up on their black, sectional couch while watching the television as a horror film played. The young, seven-year-old, brown-skinned girl was completely sandwiched in between her parents while snuggling under a thick comforter.

Her mother rubbed her swollen belly while the girl watched the screen intently. She was frightened of the current weather, as well as, the movie and that was why she had no problem snuggling with her parents. Her dark brown---almost black--- eyes glanced towards the clock---on the wall behind the television---and it read eight forty-two. Her bedtime was normally at nine or nine thirty, if her behavior was good.

She looked back down to the television where a serial killer was slowly walking towards a female in the shower before stabbing her, violently. She flinched slightly at the scene. She thought she could handle it. She did a lot of convincing so her parents could allow her to watch the iconic horror film, Psycho, which was one of their favorites. As the movie continued on, the young girl could feel her eyes getting heavy as she slowly drifted off. Her head falling onto her father's shoulder.

BOOM! The thunder cracked loudly, shaking the house. The girl's body jerked awake at the noise. Looking over both of her shoulders, she noticed that her parents weren't next to her anymore. The television continued to play but the movies must've ended because the news seemed to be playing. The headline wrote, "Apocalypse of 2050." The male's voice was heard, ".... The end is near." Then, it repeated over and over like a broken record before the screen turned to static.

The white noise filled the quiet room as she stared at the television in confusion. What is an Apocalypse? She was only seven and never heard that word before. "Mom?" She called out. "Dad?" No response.

Suddenly, she heard an uproarious noise from upstairs. Standing to her feet, she let the blanket fall to the floor as she cautiously and slowly walked towards the stairs. She slowed to a stop at the first step, looking down at it before glancing back up to the top of the stairs. For some reason, it seemed darker than usual. And, it frightened her. She's never been afraid to go up her own stairs before; but, she was now. At a young age, she had developed the fear of the dark and of the unknown.

Releasing a shaky breath, she lifted her leg up and placed it on the first step as she held onto the rail. Every step after that were slow and tedious. For some reason every step closer to the top made chills shoot up her body and the hairs on her arm stand up. That feeling of not knowing what she was walking into scared her.

After placing her foot on the last step, she paused. Straight ahead was pitch black except one room---far off into the distance: her room. She could hear the noises coming from her room from where she stood. The light coming peaking through the cracks of the door was close to blinding, even from where she stood.

Forcing her legs to work, she followed the light. Still, her pace was measured and guarded. The door seemed far in the short hallway. Glancing behind her, she could barely see anything there as she kept walking.

Standing in front of door, she waited to hear another sound or...anything for that matter. Her eyes squinted from the light as she held in her breath. Lifting her shaking hand, she placed it on the knob and turned it slowly before pulling it open. Instantly, she used her arm as a shield to block the blinding light from her as she pulled the door opened and stepped in.

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