The Protectors of Jericho

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Asher Davison was always an extraordinary child. The 'teen genius' was what his hometown and local newspaper called him. Graduating early from high school at the age of fifteen, he instantly attended college right after. He had graduated with his older brother, Noah Davison, from high school.

Their parents had died from a car accident when he was still in his mother's stomach. They had cut him out just in time, being premature with many health issues yet still proved to be extraordinary.

His grandparents, Phillip Davison and Wilma Murray-Davison, had took them in after that accident and raised them together until Wilma passed suddenly when he was thirteen years old. Phillip was known around their town as the "Crazy Old Man on West 46th Street." It was true. He was crazy. But, he was aware. Aware of the future events and tried to warn people but nobody listened to him.

For generations in his family, the story of the Apocalypse were told. There were to be five chosen ones that'll be able to prevent it...if they found each other in time and trusted each other. Phillip knew one of them in the Davison family was chosen. He just knew. So, he well-informed his children but he noticed nothing special about them. When he got in-laws, he noticed they were ordinary. Plus, they didn't believe a word that he said.

When his daughter, Nina, had Noah, something sparked within him but it may have just been that fact that he was his first grandchild. Noah was normal. He born were foretold. He progressed into a simple lawyer.

He figured maybe he was wrong about one of the chosen ones being in the Davison family. He thought he was wrong and that he would try to search further out to find the others. However, when his daughter had gotten "accidentally" pregnant, his hope in his family returned. But, when his daughter started having complications within the pregnancy, it worried him.

She was eight months when she and her husband, Ashton, were ran off of the rode by a car that seemed to be targeting them. The car had flipped over and was dismantled. Aston was presumed dead from the impact while Nina was barely alive. They brought her to the hospital and had to preform an emergency c-section then died right after she named him Asher.

Asher stayed in the NICU for nine weeks and within that time Phillip and Wilma had became him and Noah's legal guardians. They finally took him home and Phillip just had a feeling. A feeling that told him that Asher was special. His feeling wasn't confirmed until Asher started getting older. He was developing faster than any premature or normal baby. It was like his brain had been replaced with an adult. His brain moved faster than any adult, even at such a young age.

Phillip would tell Asher all of the time about how extraordinary he was and he was predestined to do great things. Throughout his life, Phillip spoke about the seer, who would predict the destruction of the world and that they would listen to the seer. And, the world would have five saviors, one being the seer.

Asher had a gift, a power that his grandfather knew about but he was always in denial about it. He thought that his grandfather was crazy until that day. He was only nine years old when he and his family were sitting down watching the news. A young, seven-year-old girl, from Jericho, New York, had predicted the end of times. The news reporter quoted that she was mental. An insane child who read too many books and watched too many movies.

The news reporter had said that the parents of the girl said she was shaking violently. They believed she was having a seizure. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and they immediately called the ambulance. When she woke up in the hospital, she had told them everything that she believed she saw. They tried to ignore it, thinking it was just the medication talking.

About a month later, it was said that the same girl was put into a local mental house and over time her case became cold. Everyone stopped speaking on the girl who claimed to see a future Apocalypse, except his grandfather. Phillip had done so much research on the young girl's process in the insane asylums and others that could potentially be the other chosen ones. It had become more than just a hobby, it was his life's work. His home, loft office was completely filled with research.

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