" I want it to be a boy though." He argues.

" Well, it's not going to be."

" How do you know that?"

" Because I just do."

" But-"

" Dude just let her have this one," Olly says and I smile.

" See, he knows I'm right," I say to Jayce and the girls laugh.

Jayce gives me the evil eye and a wave of fear washes over me. Jayce stands up and reaches a hand put for me. "Kenna do you need up?"

" No, I think I'm fine. I'll just stay here- NO PLEASE DON'T." And the next thing I know I was being thrown into the large swimming pool and the smell of chlorine was burning my nose. I hear someone yell CANNONBALL and another splash of water.

I swim up to the top of the water to see Jayce had jumped in with me giving me a chance to get my revenge. I start to head towards Jayce " I deserve it." I say when I reach him. I place my hands on his shoulder and peck him on the lips. " I'm sorry."

" Its fi-" he couldn't even finish his sentence before I dunk him underwater, putting all my weight on top of him I force him down to the bottom of the pool. After a couple of more seconds, I let go of him and let him swim back above water.

" Y-You could've killed me." He says breathlessly. I shrug and smile.

" You threw me into the pool," I argue.

" Yeah, but I jumped in after you."

" Doesn't matter."

" Man you guys bicker as if you were already having married couple," Olivia says leaning her head on Olly's shoulder. Poor Lilly always the third wheel.

" I think its cute," Lilly says and Olly shakes his head.

" One day, when they're old, they're gonna strangle each other to death for one of them eating the last piece of butterscotch candy," Olly says and Olivia and I laugh.

" Whatever you say," I say and feel Jayce's strong arms wrap around my waist. He kisses my jawline from behind and I could feel my stomach twist into a knot and my cheeks heat up.

" Ew! Get a room you two!" Lilly slurs and I roll my eyes and everyone else laughs.

Olly looks over to Olivia " Wanna help me take Lilly home?" He asks.

" I don't think I have a choice when it comes to being her best friend." She says.

Olivia turns to me. " I'll be back later sis. See ya Jayce." She says, and Olly, Olivia, and Lilly all get up and go, leaving me and Jayce alone.

Turning to face Jayce, I giggle at his goofy smile when he looks at me.

" I love you, Kenna," Jayce says to me in a low tone. This came to me as a surprise, but inside I was screaming with happiness. But then I realized I didn't love Jayce...I loved someone else. Just kidding that was a lie.

" I love you too ass hat," I say and kiss him. When we pull apart I could tell by the way his golden-brown eyes were looking at me he meant it, and I meant it too. I was in love with Jayce Tyler, who would be thought.

" Good." He says " I wouldn't have it any other way."

I giggle " Me neither."

Four months later.....

I take a deep breath and skate onto the ice. I haven't practiced in so long I'm afraid I'm going to fail. I was at my first ever competition for figure skating since I had moved here and I was extremely nervous.

As soon as I skate to the middle of the ice the music begins. As I glide across the eyes I could feel the cold air nip at my skin and it felt good, but a wave panicked washes over me. I haven't done a competition for so long, how am I supposed to even get 5th place if there even was one. Instead of doing a triple, I go into a double axel. My nerves were getting the best of me, and I was on the verge of just stopping my performance right then and there. But I don't.

It all had gone by so quickly even though it felt like hours. All the hard work that I had done for the last four months might finally pay off. The music had stopped and I stop my skates and take a bow. Everyone claps but I could only think about how every muscle in my body especially my legs were aching and how all I wanted to do now was get some water and lie down.

I skated towards the exit and found my boyfriend and my new skating coach, Ms. Bobbet, waiting for me with big smiles on their faces.

Ms. Bobbet was in her mid-thirties with short brown hair and was always wearing yoga pants. In my opinion, she was a lot more chill went it came to teaching me, and by chill, I mean not yelling in my ear every time I did something wrong. Overall, she's one of my favorite coaches I've had.

" What happened to the triple axle?" Ms. Bobbet asks while I take off my skates.

" I let my nerves get the best of me. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't of- "

" You did great babe don't worry. " Jayce cuts off and kisses my forehead which makes my cheeks hot.

I go and sit on my bench and watch as the other contestants get their time to shine and possibly win. Jayce and Ms.Bobbet were talking tactics for if I go onto regionals but so wasn't too worried about it. I probably wouldn't get it.

You're probably wondering what's going on in my life right now. Well, my mom right now is on her 5th date with a nice guy named Marshall, my dad and Donna got married a couple of weeks back, and as for me and Jayce....well uh....yeah. Let's just say I'm not a virgin anymore.

I'm two months into my junior year and I couldn't be more excited to begin a new era of my life. I mean, I'm kind of nervous and all but otherwise super excited for the most of it.

" Did you hear that Ken? You got second place!" Jayce says shaking me. My eyes grow big and I stand up and jump up and down.

" What the hell? I'm not that good am I?" I shout a little louder than I needed to.

Jayce stands up and I hug him. " This is the best day of my life!" I exclaim and Jayce chuckles.

" Good job Kenna. You did great." Ms. Bobbet tells me. I turn around and give her a hug too.

" Thanks for coaching me Ms.Bobbet," I say.

" Your welcome. But I'm not done with coaching you just yet. There will be more to come ya know." She says hugging me back. I release her from my hold and smile.

" I can't wait!"

Guys. It's finished. I finished On The Ice!! I would like to say thank you to all my amazing readers, this has been a long good time coming! I love you all! But that's not even the best part. Drum roll, please! No? Okay then. Well......THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL TO ON THE ICE!! Yay!. Just remember, I love ya! Happy reading!

Also for the figure skating coach's name I literally asked my sister "Can you give me a name?" and she said " Bob." Then I said " A girl's name." and then she said " Bobbett." So that is how I came up with that name lmao :) thank you for reading!

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