04 | matchmaker

75 12 16

ethan: good morning angel

I wince at his words as the screen illuminates my dark room. My previous talk with Hazel had me really thinking about life decisions and choices.

Is this really the right choice? Pretending to be this boy's ex-girlfriend, or at least that's what I assume she is. I could easily lie my way out of this if Ethan does find out, because my real name is Ashley, and I could lie about having a boyfriend also named Ethan.

There are seven billion people in this world. Coincidences happen. But some part of me wants to continue this for as long as I can, and if, if I get found out, I could lie.

I haven't told Hazel yet, because I knew she'd immediately disapprove. She'd scold and chastise me about this, and I'd know she's right. She has the power to guilt trip me into stopping, and telling Ethan the truth.

So I'm hiding my real identity from Ethan and hiding this whole situation from Hazel.

me: hey, ethan

I'm desperately trying to decide between doing the right thing and not. It can't do too much harm if I continue it for a while, right?

me: how's it going?

ethan: just the usual, i'll be heading off to school soon
ethan: i wish we still went to the same school

That immediately gets me curious. I naturally assumed they were at the same school, assuming that it was the place they had met at first.

I want to know more about him, an urge that drives me to ask a question:

me: are you still at the same school?

ethan: yeah, you moved away without reason one day
ethan: i've been trying to get a hold of you

That does explain some things, but it only raises more questions. Where did the girl move to? Why did she move? And, the question that's been stuck in my mind, what is the past between Ethan and this girl?

Just because I can't ask anything about my past doesn't mean I can't figure out what's wrong with these two.

Maybe I can play as the matchmaker between Ethan and Ashley.

A small smile forms on my lips as I'm finally satisfied with my choice. I have a reason for doing this, and I'm rather excited to see how this will play out. Instead of wasting my time and life on other things, I could actually help them.

Besides, he can't be angry when he finds out I'm not actually his ex girlfriend, right? Especially when I manage to finally bring them together again.

But even with this plan, it's hard to know what to write. I have to act as Ashley and figure out everything about Ethan, as well as Ashley, who I have no contact with. I have to start getting basic background knowledge, and I need to slip this all in.

me: i had a reason and i'm sorry i left
me: but tell me everything i missed

ethan: shelly and brian got back together

I frown at his text, not sure what relevancy that has. I can't tell if he says it in an astonished manner, tired manner, or confused manner. Without knowing the tone he has, I'm afraid that I'll type in the wrong response.

me: really? why?

I go with basic questions, one word answers that anyone would say. I should be safe, as long as Ashley didn't write literal essays when texting. Ethan still seems to be going along with everything, so I assume that I'm doing everything correctly.

ethan: honestly, no one actually knows
ethan: but you know them
ethan: broken up one day but then back together the next

He says that so surely. He says it as if Ashley would know what he's talking about immediately and have a response, as if he and Ashley knew who Shelly and Brian were.

me: yeah, i remember them

I force my fingers to type out those words, knowing I'm lying straight to his face. But now I don't feel as much guilt, because I have a cause. People may disagree on if my cause is good or bad, but personally I think I'm doing them a favor.

And to do that, I need to lie through my teeth constantly, always typing out the wrong information. Tricking this poor boy Ethan into thinking I'm Ashley, his ex girlfriend. I'm not sure how I'll reveal it to him, but he won't be as upset when he's reconnected with the actual Ashley.

This isn't exactly morally just, but I don't see any harm in this. I can find out enough information to find Ashley and bring them together. There's no hurt to be brought to any of them.

ethan: things have been quiet, really, since you left
ethan: life's boring

He makes it sound like he lives in a small town. I couldn't imagine what it would be like, but I know that I live in London, and it's always busy around here.

I don't dare assume that, though. Maybe he's just isolated or doesn't want to talk to people. Either way, all I know that is he probably lives in the United States, given our time difference, but I don't know if it's large city in California or a small town in Kansas.

me: it's pretty nice where i live

I don't specify any further because I have no idea where Ashley lives. Before he can ask me, I quickly change the subject and divert his attention away.

me: i have to go to school now, i'll talk to you later!

He previously mentioned that he had to go to school, so I assumed that I should just end our conversation here. Besides, I had to do a lot of searching for any of his possible social medias, as well as Ashley's.

But I had assumed that they would all be living in the same place. Clearly, Ashley had moved away and now I'm unsure about the time difference. How far did she move? What if there was no time difference when she moved out of state?

I have Ethan believing that Ashley is still close to where he lives, considering that I've been lying about the time difference. But what if Ashley isn't that close?

As I'm acting as Ashley, I want Ethan to suspect nothing. When I do find the real Ashley, I'll hopefully quietly slip out of their lives. I'll catch Ashley up on everything I did, and then message him saying that I got a new phone number or something.

The only thing I'm worried about now is Ashley. I have nothing on the girl, no idea who she is or where she is, or how she'll react at all.

All I can hope is that this will turn out fine and all my efforts won't be for nothing.

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