02 | goodnight

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ethan: good night angel
ethan: i'm sorry i wasn't able to text you yesterday
ethan: something came up

I see the messages light up on my screen with his name. I smile slightly, but apprehension quickly covers my happiness.

What am I supposed to say back, especially when it's bright morning? 

me: good night ethan

ethan: i know it's late but can we talk?

A feeling of dread settles in my stomach and I instantly start worrying. Does he know it's not me? I could have easily messed up somewhere already. I probably don't talk or text like the girl, and my throat closes up.

ethan: it's nothing serious, don't worry :)
ethan: just want to reconnect and get to know each other better!

Relief washes over me and a small smile appears over my face. But it dims when I think, he doesn't realize I'm lying to him, yet. But I refuse to let it take over my happy mood.

me: of course!
me: how was school?

I start off with an easy, safe question. Hopefully, he's not suspicious at all and I can manage to glean some facts about him.

ethan: oh, it's the usual
ethan: do you remember mrs. wilson?
ethan: she's my teacher now for science

The name sounds vaguely familiar again, but I can't quite put my finger on it. 

But what's more confusing is how he thinks I should remember her. We clearly have a time difference and he's probably on the other side of the world. How would I know his teacher?

That's when I realize, I shouldn't remember her. The other Ashley would remember her, but I wouldn't.

This is so paradoxical and confusing that I'm already confusing myself on the second day. I have to start keeping all my facts straight and knowing exactly what I'm telling him. I need to remember that I am not the Ashley he loves.

If I don't, I will mess up. And I can't afford to mess up, at least not yet. This whole charade is giving me anxiety and I'm already second guessing every word he says, as well as overthinking what I should reply.

me: yeah i do

I keep my answer short and simple. Affirmative. If he's bothered by it, he doesn't let on.

ethan: you had her for ninth grade, right? 
ethan: she moved up to teach us now

me: yeah, i did

Hopefully the other Ashley did. I notice how he doesn't exactly state his grade and wonder if it was unintentional or if he thinks that I would know. Considering how he seems to assume I know a lot of things about him, Ethan is probably in the same grade I'm in.

me: so...

I hedge at a conversation, hoping he'll say something again. I don't dare make any assumptions, and that leaves my question asking very limited.

ethan: do you want to call?

My fingers immediately tap out, "no", but I can't say it outright. I need an excuse to why I can't call, but at the same time, I really do want to. But then he'll immediately know it's not me once he hears my voice.

me: sorry not now, it's late and everyone's sleeping

I feel slightly guilty that I can't, but my sense of self preservation prevents it from growing.

ethan: that's fine

He doesn't type anything after, and I feel that he's upset.

me: hey i'm sorry
me: i just don't want to disturb my parents

ethan: it's okay
ethan: maybe sometime later

The conversation comes to a standstill at this point, and I don't know what to add on. Neither does Ethan, it seems, with his small grey bubbles disappearing completely. I close out of the messages screen, hoping that he'll continue it as usual.

Putting my phone off to the side, I turn the volume up so I can hear the notifications if he decides to text me again.

I decide to go back to my homework, which was what I was previously doing before he had texted me. But all I can think of is Ethan and his texts, and I find myself always glancing back at my phone in hopes that he had messaged me, but to no avail.

He doesn't text back, and for some reason, I find myself disappointed. I put down my pencil and reach for my phone, checking my screen to find no texts.

My fingers itch to type out something to Ethan, to continue the conversation, but I don't know what to say again. Besides, he might not even be angry and he's just sleeping. Whatever the reason, I feel like he would be the one wanting to talk to me.

Still, I don't want to end it on such a note.

me: goodnight ethan

I set my phone down and go back to my homework. Just as I start again, my phone chimes. It's a reply from Ethan.

ethan: goodnight ashley
ethan: i promise i'll text tomorrow

I smile at his words and leave it at that.

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