Chapter 14 part one: Significance of the Sword

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The next morning comes by quickly. With my eyes opening slowly after my dreamless night's sleep I manage to catch a glimpse of Elsie and Delia talking while glancing in my direction. Elsie has a reluctant look in her eyes, like a child unwilling to part with her favourite toy. I try moving after a few seconds of mindlessly staring when I'm suddenly pulled closer by Sophie. She mumbles a something in her sleep then lets out a cute giggle. I submit to her will, since the only thing that would be awaiting me after I leave the comfort and safety of these blankets would be a lot of pain.

Elsie's eye turns cold, sending shivers down my spine that put me on high alert. I put more effort into getting up. I manage to free myself from Sophie's arms and greet the two while sitting up and stretching.

*Come outside when you are ready. And make it quick.* Elsie says. She doesn't wait for my reply and storms out of the room. Delia smiles and waves at me before lightly skipping out the room herself. I don't know exactly what to make of the exchange I witnessed; it seemed as though Elsie was reluctant to do something. It seemed to have something to do with me also. I shake my head clear before these thoughts start to pile up and create more uncertainties.

*I have to get ready.* I pull on my discarded cloths, choosing not to question how or when they were discarded, and make my way out of the tree home to the very same arena like area where Elsie and I fought not too long ago. While I'm walking to her I can't help but notice that most of my injuries have recovered an astonishing amount. My broken ribs are at best lightly bruised now, and the injuries are in no way affecting my fighting capabilities. I can't help but wonder exactly how I'm in such a good state. Maybe one of the girls has healing magic that they used on me?

*Follow me. We need to return by nightfall.* Elsie tells me as soon as I arrive. I nod wordlessly and follow her to the edge of the arena. She stomps the ground lightly and releases a strong amount of spirit energy. I peak at her with my Spirit Sight and discover her body channeling a lot of earthen brown spirit into the ground around us. A platform is created, raising us upwards like an elevator until we reach the top of the wall.

I take in the view from this height. There seems to be other sectors of this tree, aside from the arena where Elsie and I came from there is also a flowery arena and the one covered in leaves that Delia and I battled on. If I had to take a guess to what this formation looked like from above something like a circle with three equal portions. Kind of like the Mercedes logo.

*Stop daydreaming! Follow.* Elsie snaps at me, already making her way to the outskirts already while I was lost in thought. I jog to catch up and follow Elsie in jumping over the edge. Our figures land on the wild and unkept grassland below before we dash off into the nearby forest. *Rokai, stay close and don't let your guard down. This place is dangerous, much more so than the previous area you were at.* Elsie warns. Unlike her usual abrasive self the words she spoke were laced with a bit of concern towards me.

*I got it.* I say. We settle into an alert silence as both of our figures weave between trees and over various obstacles. From my life on earth I learnt how to adapt to my environment to best fight so the tricky turns, sudden appearance of monsters of various strengths and other obstacles didn't do much to disrupt me.

Never the less I was forced to deal with most all encounters with monsters. Not that Elsie didn't help on occasion, its just that most of the monsters are of the fire element and its extremely incompatible to her grass element. And since my skin has fire resistance to an extent I took point in the attacks. Flame boars, a common beast, attacks us the most since we have to pass by their territory to get to our destination. Although it is quite confusing just why so many flame type beasts would be born in a forest. Their numbers were at least above fifty.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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