Chapter 2: Making Enemies

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I think for a moment. I open my mouth to pronounce my name, Rowan Kairos, but a sudden pain overtakes me and drives me to my knees. I scream out and slam the earth with my fist.

Rokai! A voice shouts in my mind. Your name is Rokai!

"Rokai. I'm Rokai." I gasp. Serena has a worried look on her face. No one ever worried about me in my old life. I stand and look around. People gathered around me and stand in a wide circle. I can see why. Where I smashed the ground are huge basketball sized craters. I sit back on my knees and mentally curse that goddess who brought me here. At least she made me strong.

I stand and look towards the entrance of the cave. I feel my eyes change again and this time I'm able to see the light beyond the rock. A creature bigger than Roc stands outside, it's the size of the White House for sure. I gulp as I see the three different colours blending together. A colour that looks like electricity, light blue that reminds me of ponds and springs plus a pale white that is wispy like the wind
But this isn't the most alarming thing. The alarming thin is it's glow strength. Serena and I have some of the strongest glows in this cave but this monster is on another level. The light is barely contained by it's outline, so it is probably as strong as I'm sensing it is.

I back up, the energy mix is moving towards the creature's head. I sense something bad is about to happen.

"Get down now!" a voice that isn't mine warns before I have the chance to. A pair of black clad people alight in the cave. both are guys; one is older than the other, both have pitch black hair. I'm blinded by this kid's light. It's a pure white and nearly drowns out his silhouette it's on par with the monster's except slightly dimmer, the other guy's is a grey colour that also looks pretty strong. Much stronger than mine and Serena's.

I turn my focus to the younger guy. His manner is so cool, he hold his hand up.

"Valor, Lord of Light and Guardian of what is good and just, allow me power to vanquish those who wish harm to the innocent!" He chants. At that moment his hair is bathed fully white, his black clothing as well. The black cloak radiates white light and billows from the force of his power. A ball of energy the size of basketball builds up over his outstretched palm.

The walls shift and break as energy from the other side breaks through. Shit, I forgot about the bird monster that side.

"Rokai!" Serena calls out. I respond without question. She and the rest of the people are under a shimmering dome of light that seems to originate from the other guy. Everyone will be safe.

Electricity and wind blast through the wall at the same time as the guy releases the energy sphere. I widen my eyes and raise my arms in an 'X'. I need a shield.


My body feels hot. A fiery pain unlike anything else, my voice going hoarse from screaming and fires burning my insides.

The two opposing magic collides and destroy each other. A powerful shockwave threatens to blast me back but I'm holding on somehow.

The debris settle and I flop to the ground. Then a person lifts me by the arm and sits me against a rock.

"Rokai, is it. Nice to meet you, I'm Noah." He says. His attitude and voice is so relaxed, as if he never just had to match power with a being of unfathomable strength. Then again he is one too. I'm slung on Noah's shoulder and carried out over to where the group of humans are escaping down a slide made of earth. I smell something burning. It's me. My skin is charred and blackened. I'm feeling a dull throbbing pain, I'm surprised I'm able to feel anything considering that I'm probably in shock and suffering extreme nerve damage. I glance up at the stars. They blew the roof off.

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