Chapter 10: Moving forward

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I wake up some time later with the moon at its highest. The pale light cast down on the forest helps to illuminate the surroundings a bit, although my eyes see as though it were day.

"Were my eyes always like this?" I ask. Not that I want any sort of answer from any of the beings living inside me. A short laugh comes out of my mouth as I appreciate this new level of oddness my life has taken on. I look at my right hand, clenching it into a fist then opening it to let a ball of fire sit atop my palm.

It doesn't hurt. It feels like running my hand through some warm water, not really burning but more pleasant.

"Is this what magic is supposed to feel like when you are in control?" I mumble. Inside me anger rises, fanning my flames to rise by ten or so centimeters. Briefly surprised I flick my hand out to put out the flame. However I end up sending a burst of fire across the forest and into something that had settled beneath my tree.

I hear a deep grumbling and a roar that shakes my very being sounds off. I've angered something strong. Whether it's instinct or habit I activate spirit sight, climbing higher to safety as I do so. The creature has a rockey brown colour much like regular Terrors, so I assume its of the same element. The shape of its body outline is a bear, one with multiple arms.

The tree trembles, threatening to throw me off its branches. I hold on tightly to the branch I was trying to climb to. Another grumbling roar sends fear into my spine, making me sweat a bit.

I need to do something; however the bear monster below me has another plan. The tree lets out a snap that seems to halt time, wind slowly starts picking up and my sense of gravity lurches. It can only mean one thing. The tree is going down. Using the momentum of it I jump to the next branch, turning off my Spirit Sight since it would only be a distraction. Branch to branch, I keep moving while the monster lets out an angry roar. It knows I escaped. But just when I think I'm about to get away the trees in front of me come to a stop and a cliff is the only thing ahead.

I turn back, but only receive a set of fists to the chest, although not really hurting me too much, it does knock me out of the tree and the air out my lungs. I scramble away as screeches suddenly fill the air, it must be an ambush. How did I not see it coming...

Dozens of eyes gaze at me through the branches, but non of the creatures move out of the tree line to attack. I get to my feet slowly.

*You... Fight...* A caw from some kind of bird monster lets me know whats going on. I see. The bear comes up from the forest, its black fur stinking a bit from being lightly scorched. I'm honestly surprised that my weak flames could manage to hurt anything in this forest.

*Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you* I try speaking to it. The bear just glares at me with its red eyes gleaming ferociously. It doesn't seem to care about my words and lunges at me. I can only back up and dodge to the side as its powerful limbs sweep through the air.

A person could die from just one hit of those arms, a little warning... Ellyn's apathetic voice informs me. I grit my teeth and ignore her. Another sweep and this time I slide under it and let out a bit of fire into its underbelly. The monster howls in pain. I put some distance between us.

A cornered beast fights well as it seems. Ellyn comments yet again. I'm feeling a bit angry. Why of all times is she talking to me now. Although she hasn't done anything significantly bad, she still hasn't done anything to help me. She's one of the reasons I'm in this situation fighting for my life.

*Fight.. Monster fight...* An excited howl reaches my ears. I try not to look it its direction, but my body acts on its own and I glance at a wolf type monster sitting among a few others. Why they're not attacking is one of the few questions on my mind. Its also one of the reasons I don't notice the bear has recovered enough and is charging while wearing a cloak of brown energy.

I collides with me, a force similar to being hit with a truck moving at fifty km/h. Bones let out cracking noises, if not for my body putting up an automatic guard I might have died.

"How am I not dead." I gasp, focusing on the slowly approaching bear. It stands up, reaching about four meters tall, all of its claws begin radiating a earthly glow. I can sense magic pouring into them, maybe some kind of strengthening magic. I summon some more fire.

You need me, let me help... Réne's voice speaks to me next. My flames peak, a deep primal rage erupts from my core.

"You think I want your help, after what you've done!" A raspy shout makes its way out. All the eyes of the various creatures narrow and focus on my next move. Although in my current condition I don't acknowledge this fully.

She wouldn't have needed to help you if you were strong enough. But you aren't so shut up and accept out help. Ellyn says. The smug tone her voice takes pisses me off. I feel my arms start to tremble with rage. I look at the bear in front of me.

"MY WEAKNESS, WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH!" I wail, then go blank in the head. All i feel around me is heat, and the disconnected movements of my body and mind.

Whats happening... Why can't I move... No, why is my body moving on its own!?

"Give in to it, give into fury..." I hear the chilling voice of the other me, the same voice of the person who gifted me Spirit Sight.


Who knows how long I was lost for... My mind coming back to the scene of the forest burning. Blood that is both my own and others soaks me to my core, whats left of my cloths are tatters that are beyond repair. I can't tell the what is broken or not.

I drop to my knees... Both my legs won't work, neither will my arms for that matter.

I hear footsteps...

*What destruction you have wrought. For the good of the forest I should kill you. Should...* The feminine voice tells me. I don't care, all that I care about right now is that fact that I was just used once more.

Those two, I won't forgive them. I'm going to prove them wrong. I don't need their power. My last thoughts burn into my being the unstoppable desire to become stronger. And as my body and mind shut down from pain and exhaustion another entity smiles at my actions, knowing that I'm one step closer to realising my true purpose in this world.

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