Chapter 8: Crisis

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"So, you want to join up with the guild of adventurers. It would makes sense but, are you sure?" The headmaster asks. His tone sounds a bit off to me. He has an almost grave note to his husky old voice. Noah, Serena and I all nod.

"Yeah, we all want to go out and explore the world." I say. I don't know how I ended up doing most of the talking. It's probably because Noah, Serena and the headmaster are having a showdown of some kind. The gazes speaking volumes to each other. Eventually I accept the silence of the air and let my voice rest. It's at that moment where the headmaster sighs and smiles a bit.

"I see. In that case maybe I should-" He begins, but never finishes. My world slows down as I see the wall behind the man bow inwards and split; pushing the bookshelf with thick volumes crammed tightly in, being dropped forward on top of the old man as claws the size of car doors rip through.

Noah's magic surrounds us, not reaching the headmaster in time as the claws rip through him and blood splatters against his barrier. I stumble back, the roof gets taken off by another bird and I'm fiercely aware of the panic on the outside world. Screams and shouts ring out, almost drown put by the screeches of hundreds upon thousands of Terrors in the air.

A large bell starts ringing.

The walls of tower starts shaking as the birds crash through it. The floor cracks beneath us from the impacts below. Noah grits his teeth, glancing at the dazed me. I snap out of it and raise my hand, lighting them up with orange flames.

Two holes open in the shield barrier, I let out torrents of flames that quickly burn the flailing bird monsters.

The sky is blackening, an uneasy feeling in my gut makes me turn my face outwards and my Spirit Sight activate. Above us an everything is an all yo familiar mix of three elemental spirit colours in the shape of an enormous bird. In fact he's gotten larger since the last time we encountered this monster.

Noah drops the shield so we can get a clear look at Monster King, the Storm Terror. The pressure of it's intense gaze and power is enough to make my skin crawl and knees shaky.

"Offensive measures!" Someone shouts in the distance and magic begins flying into the air of different colours.

Noah begins firing bolts of energy at the monster birds as well. I'm thinking about what to do as I unleash flames into the sky when I hear a cracking sound that fills me with dread coming from below us. Serena looks at me with wide eyes and outstretched hands as the portion of floor she was standing on drops.

I hesitate to reach out for an instant and she drops with a scream. I rush over to the edge and stretch out my hand. But she is already a quarter of the distance to the bottom. Instinct sends my flames out at her, they use my desire to rescue her and form into an enormous rough hand shape. I put it under her when I realise two things. Fire isn't solid enough to hold a being and the most obvious thing...

Fire burns...

She screams even louder. My eyes widen as she passes through the hand into the flames. I cut off the magic to immediately remove her from the inferno. In an instant Noah appears beneath her. They disappear and reappear at the bottom. I'm shaking now. Rage unlike anything ever felt before.

Rokai, do you want to hurt those who hurt you. Call my name and I will lend you my strength... The voice returns. The same voice and presence I felt during that incident not even a week ago.

"Réne," I call out. Flames leap all around me and a red aura cloaks my body as six pillars of flame start rotating in the sky in a fiery vortex. Shockwaves of flames spread out and knock back the walls, killing anything on the same height level as me. "Dragon goddess of fire, grant me the fury to burn my enemies!" I finish the chant. The words appeared out of nowhere but the result afterwards is impressive.

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