f i f t y

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You walk out of the house limping. You can taste blood in your mouth, you can barely hear out of one ear, and your body feels as though it may give up on you any second.

You asked Jimin to keep Hana's body safe, for a proper burial, so him and Hoseok wrapped her body and put it away.

Jimin promised she'd end up properly buried, but you have to make sure, promises don't meant anything to you anymore.

There are police cars surrounding what seems to be the entire area, and you hear the sounds of multiple news anchors sharing the events to the world.

They just speak about it as if it's just some other story, like in a few hours, the world will just move on, and we'll all have to move on with it.

Like the biggest scar, that probably will never heal, hasn't just been left of your heart.

But to them you're just another statistic.

You sit on the stone stairs, not being able to go down all of them.

You look up at the starry sky and breathe in, as much as you can, of the clean air, the first real breath of air you've had in a while.

You exhale, loudly, forcing out all the thoughts and emotions.

You've completely forgotten who you were. Even if you try to close your eyes and remember, it's all blurry, there's nothing there.

Who were you?

You miss her. The "you" you once were.

Life was just starting for that girl. Now you don't know where you are.

You feel a presence sit by you on the stairs, and you look to see Taehyung there.

"You're bleeding all over the place." you say, your voice weak and raspy, and you wipe away the almost dry blood that has dripped down to his neck from his head.

"You don't look any better." he jokes, and you let out a small chuckle.

"We've all looked better." you mumble, reminiscent.

"I agree." he says, his voice tired.

"What's going to happen to all of you?" you ask, implying legal actions.

"Nothing really, expect for having to do a lot of work with the police, it's all done now." he says casually.

"Work with the police? Aren't you going to go to jail for like, a lifetime?"

He looks at you, "I guess."

"You guess? You're not even a little scared? My God this crime shit is so fucking weird." you drop your head on your hands, it's beginning to really hurt.

Taehyung suddenly places his hand on your knee, making you look at him, and with the most comforting, soft voice, he asks, "How are you?"

And you realize you haven't been asked that question in a very, very long time.

"I don't know?" your voice cracks as you feel tears well at your eyes, "I just feel used. Really used. I- uhm," you choke, wiping your tears away quickly, "I miss home, I miss my old life, I miss who you guys used to be, I-" you shake your head, "I've been better." is all you manage to get out by the end of it.

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