I got nobody left to believe in

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It didn't take longer than a few seconds, when the Hastur's annoyed voice echoed through his head. 

"What the hell is it Crowley?" Never before had Crowley been so happy to hear that bastard's voice. 

"Hastur! I..." he didn't know what to say at first. 

"What? Usually, you don't have a problem talking either, flashy bastard. Did you mess up something?" he asked full of anticipation. 

For a second Crowley wanted to directly hang up again, but he took a deep breath. Pride was misplaced here. After a few seconds of silence, he cleared his throat. "Kind... of." He admitted embarrassed.

Immediately, he felt the prong break from his crown as soon as he had confessed this. His colleague escaped a high-pitched, malicious snicker. "Oh, oh, oh Crowley what is it?" he asked excitedly, barely able to contain his gloating. 

"Okay. It's enough now, you retarded, old-fashioned bastard." He hissed back, obviously angry now. "I have underestimated the humans. They lured me into a trap. I am currently tied up in the back of a van." He started explaining his situation, but he only earned an even louder laugh. 

"Enslaved by humans. The great Crowley!!" Hastur sounded like he was about to go insane.

"SSSSHUT IT!" the ginger ordered strictly. Who knew when they'd arrive at their destination, he was running out of time! 

"Alright, Alright. So, what do you want? Want me to come over and save your arrogant ass?" the older demon asked, still interrupted by snickers.

"Actually... No." Crowley admitted, taking a deep breath. This was harder than he had thought. The constant aching inside of his chest reminded him of the importance of his actions. 

"What? What else do you want?" Hastur bluffed surprised. 

"Mankind has found out about our existence they are aware of the fact that demons and also angels exist. That's not the worst part. They have captured Aziraphale and me, for using our powers for winning this war. And... It's all my fault." He began but got interrupted again.

"WHAT?! How could this happen? For Satan's sake! Crowley you're dead meat to us! This is more than a failure. Why don't you miracle your ass out oft here, so we can give you the necessary punishment. How did they even capture you?" he hissed into the phone, still full of joy. 

"I can't they have used divine powers to block my abilities. However, listen to me now. I know I am dead meat." Crowley replied, slightly beginning to worry. "You need to stop them from gaining to much power. Please free the angel from their force! We can't risk that they have divine power up their sleeves or even turning it against us!" he begged, sounding almost despaired. 

"Who cares about that bloody angel? Be glad, he's gone. Also, he's definitely not our department. You sound like a nasty traitor." Hastur denied his beg, sounding disgusted to the bone. 

Crowley took a deep breath, who had thought sealing one's own fate was that difficult? "How stupid can an immortal creature be? Obviously, the upper department isn't going to save him. So, we are weakened, since nobody stops the Nazis from gaining holy powers. They have already enslaved me!" he contradicted, trying to sound annoyed again. "I don't care if I get blamed for this. Hastur get him out of there. NOW!" he ordered strictly.

Immediately all the snickering, also joy died down on the other side of the phone. "Crowley... You are not in the position to give anyone orders here. Your sacrifice to save this damned angel is definitely treason." He stated angrily. 

"Let it be treason. I don't care. I can offer you a deal. Get him out of there. Leave me to them, or you can bath my head in a pool of holy water yourself but get him out of there. You will never be forced to see my face again. Hear my voice. You even could take my place up here. Come on Hastur. You'd give your right arm for my position! The principalities would love you. Hastur the great defeater of mankind!" he tried convincing him. To his disappointment he only earned another manic laugh 

The Ashes of Edenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن