Chapter 7 Lukanette About to Go out?

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        Luka has been busy with reading a magazine ever since he woke up from his nap, smiles when Marinette enters the room. His jaw drops a bit at the lovely sight he sees. "Wow, you look really pretty!"  Luka says.

        "Why thank you, Luka!" Marinette says. She grabs her purse, and is about to tell Luka she is all set to go when the doorbell rings.

       Ding, dong, ding dong...the doorbell sounds to announce someone is here!

         Marinette opens the door to find Luka's sister Juleka on her porch.  She smiles.

          "Hello, Juleka!  What is up?" Marinette responds.

"Yeah, sis! What brings you here?" Luka ask.

"Well, I see my older brother finally came to his senses! Thank goodness for that then!" Juleka says.

      "Ha, ha, very funny!"  Luka says sarcastically.  He still wonders why his sister came over just as they were about to go out.

     "I was hoping you two would get together!"  Juleka squeals just a little this time as she speaks.

    "Oh, and just why is that anyway?"  Marinette ask.

    "Yes, sis do tell us, well ya?"   Luka ask.

    "Well, it is just that Ethan and I get along, so well, I hate to see you as a miserable, bachelor forever,my dear brother!"  Juleka replies.

    "Haha, that is so funny!" Marinette says.

    "It is not,"  Luka says.

   "Actually the thought did cross my mind when I heard you two were at odds with one another, however now it seems you have gone and made up. So, I wish you both well!"  Juleka says.

    "Thanks, Juleka!"  Marinette says.

    "Yes, thanks ever so much, sis!" Luka remarks.

     "Anyway, I can see you are quite busy!  I shall be going!  I have a date with Ethan!"  Juleka smiles and walks away.

      Luka turns to Marinette and says,  "Do you think my sister and Ethan will ever get married?"

      Marinette replies,  "How should I know?  From little I know about the guy he adores your sister and she seems to really like him!  Other than that well who really knows!" 

      Luka responds,  "Yes, I suppose you are right.  Anyway, shall we be off then?"

     "Sure, let us go!"  Marinette says.

     Luka and Marinette leave together in Marinette's car.  They arrive at the place for their date in no time.  The place has a nice view of the bridge that everyone calls the bridge of love, the Effiel Tower, Andre's stand, the lake, and many other things.  It is just right for their first date!  

      Luka sits across from Marinette.  When the waiter comes, he flirts with Marinette.  She does not seem to notice, she is too busy trying to decide what to order.   Luka however does notice and glares at the guy.  He scowls at him too just a bit as if to say,  Hey, back off my woman!  Will ya?

      The rest of the date goes well.  Other then the waiter who rudely flirts with Marinette when it comes to time to take the orders when he brings the drinks and the food, the night is one splendid one for them both!  

       Luka is glad when no one else tries to steal his girl from him!  He thinks that sort of business to be quite distasteful in the least. He smiles as Marinette enjoys her food and manages to relax for a bit.  He finds the meal to be delicious!  

    Luka pays for the food.  Then, he takes Marinette to the outside area to dance.  Marinette looks at him as if she is not sure what to make of this moment.

     "May I have this dance my dear fair maiden?"  Luka says.  He kisses the top of her hand.

    "Yes, you may,kind sir!" Marinette teases him just a bit.  Nevertheless, she dances with him and as she does she feels like the moment is full of something magical.

     The dance is one that they both enjoy!  Luka cannot seem to recall a time that he has been this happy in years.  Marinette enjoys it too.  She is happy to have Luka with her as she dances under the moonlight.

     to be continued in Chapter  8   Serious Business, Under the Stars?

  *Edits made to this Chapter  on June 22, 2020, and More Edits made on January 14, 2021

Luka Loves Marinette  Sequel to A Miraculous Valentine's  Love by Summer ChengUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum