Chapter 8 Serious Business Under the Stars?

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        Luka glances at Marinette while he dances with her. He feels as if they are all alone in the world. He pulls her close so that their lips almost touch. 

           In the middle of the dance, someone sneaks up behind them in the attempts to kidnap Marinette.  Luka punches the crook hard in the nose and gives him a nose bleed. He sees him when he attempts to escape and chases after him. He turns him into the police.

           Two months later, Luka looks at the ring box and sighs. He decides he cannot pressure Marinette into something she is not ready for yet.  He closes the ring box and hides it for now.

          Marinette shows up late for her date with Luka, because she lost track of time. She apologizes as she hugs him. She is grateful when he forgives her without any questions.

        Marinette's  POV: 

         She senses Luka hides something from her which troubles her.  She wishes he would confide in her more since she is his girlfriend.

    Luka's  POV:
      He hugs Marinette tight. He wishes he could propose already, but he is sure the time is not right.

      One year later, Luka paces back and forth nervous about the words he plans to share with Marinette tonight.  He wants everything to be just right. He worries something might go wrong.

     Marinette arrives on time for her date with Luka.  She knows tonight is special since it makes a year since she and Luka officially got together as boyfriend and girlfriend. She sees Luka looks nervous. She thinks it strange he should be so awkward around her. She hugs him in reassurance that she loves him.

      Luka hugs Marinette back, then releases her. 

       Marinette looks at him in confusion. She thinks, his behavior sure is peculiar today. She wonders what troubles him.

     Luka takes off his jacket and places it on a bench.  He gets down on one knee and holds a jewelry box in his hand.  The box opens to show a sparkly, diamond ring with two blue rose-shaped sapphires around it.

    "Marinette, will you marry me?"  Luka asks.

     Marinette looks at him in surprise as the moonlight beams down on them. She cannot believe it.  She listens closely as he asks her again, "Marinette will you marry me?"

   "Yes, I will!  I love you!" Marinette answers.

      Luka kisses her as he slides the ring onto her left ring finger. He feels beyond blessed to have her as his fiance.  He must be the happiest man alive!  

       Later, that evening, Juleka notices Luka has a smug expression on his face when she arrives home after her date with Ethan. She wonders what put that silly look in her brother's eyes. She thinks, does it have to do with him and Marinette?

      "Luka, tell me what makes you so happy?"  Juleka asks him.

     "Funny, you should ask.  I popped the question tonight to Marinette!" Luka responds.

     "Wow, you proposed to her!"  Juleka squeals.

    Luka laughs.  "Yes, I proposed to her and she said, yes!"  Luka replies.

     Juleka smiles, she is very happy for him.  "Wow, brother, Congratulations to you and Marinette then!  I am so happy for you both!"  Juleka says.

     "How did your date with Ethan go tonight?"  Luka asks her.

    Juleka frowns. She thought Ethan was going to propose to her.  She was far from the truth.  She did not get a proposal at all. Instead, she got a broken heart. She still feels torn. She cannot believe he cheats on her and acts as if its no big deal!  

   "Ethan and I are through!  He is a cheater. He was with another girl. He did not even deny it. He just gave me a look that says he could care less about me.  I ask him for answers, he just laughs, wraps his arm around her, and to make it worse he kisses her.  He does not wait until I leave, but kisses her in front of me."  Juleka says. Her eyes feel with tears as she speaks.

     "Oh, Jules, I am so sorry, sis.  I would have asked if I had known.  I am sorry. I am so sorry, he did that to you."  Luka says.

      "It is alright." Juleka lies.

      Juleka's  POV:
     Ethan's a cruel, heartbreak and a rude one to boot. He does not care he used me.  He acts like it is no big deal.  Now, Luka's engagement with Marinette comes as a hard blow. I am happy for them, yet jealous.  I wish I could have a stable, trustworthy relationship like those two.

    Luka's POV:
     He feels sorry for Juleka. He did not know her relationship with Ethan was over or he would have said a thing about her date that night. He feels bad that he hurt her by asking about it.  Now, he knows why she was so sarcastic when she gave her blessings for him and Marinette.  He can tell she is happy for them, yet jealous. He feels like he is a cruel person and terrible brother for his announcement now.      

   Marinette's  POV:
   She gets a text from Luka which tells her that Juleka is upset because Ethan cheats on her.  She feels bad for Juleka that her relationship with her boyfriend ends so badly. She can tell it must upset her something awful since Luka has to share the news with her instead of Juleka herself. She knows that Juleka must have feelings of regret, grief, confusion, and jealousy now.

   She does not blame Juleka if she refuses to come to her and Luka's wedding.  She cannot expect her not to be to hurt to enjoy the pleasant event. She debates on rather she should elope with Luka or not.

   Ethan's  POV:
  He does not get why Juleka was so furious with him. He never did say they were serious. He thought she understood this since he only went out with her a few times.  He was into the other girl, Raven way more than her. He likes Raven a lot. He thinks, sure Juleka is a cute friend, but he cannot just dump Raven to make someone else happy.  He never meant to hurt Juleka.  He also, cannot change his feelings overnight though just make her less miserable.

  He recalls he did try to text Juleka to tell her the date was off.  

   Raven's  POV:

   She scoffs at the memory of the girl with black and purple hair. She thinks that the girl is just in trouble.  She tries to take Ethan from me and falls flat on her ugly face. She cannot believe Ethan ever went out with that other girl even just a few times. She does not like her. She feels envy toward her. 

  She kisses Ethan to give the other woman a hint, Ethan is he'sr.  She must let her know that she cannot just swoop in on her man like this when she wants him all to herself.

  The story continues in  Chapter  9  Who is She, Luka?

  *edits made to this chapter  June 22, 2020

Luka Loves Marinette  Sequel to A Miraculous Valentine's  Love by Summer ChengOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz