Chapter 3 Marinette Shuts Him Out?

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        Two days later, Marinette has the new door installed on the front of her house.  She is happy to see how nice it looks now that it is in place.  She hums as she gets to work on straighten up the mess she made when she put the door up.  There are a lot of  small  fragments left over from the previous door.  She vacuums them up.  She smiles as she admires the hard work she put into it all.

      Luka shows up and knocks on the door.  He smiles as Marinette opens the door.  He walks inside without so much as an invitation. He sits down on the sofa.

     "Luka, what makes you think you can just barge in here, after what you did?"  Marinette says angrily.

     "What do you mean?  Marinette, I have idea what you so angry about now!"  Luka remarks.

    "Oh, yeah!  Then, I was a stupid, girl for ever thinking for a minute there that you actually care about me."  Marinette says.  She frowns.

     "Marinette, wait!  What is this all about?"   Luka demands to know.

    "If you do not know already, then it is worse than I thought."  Marinette says.

    "Marinette, please, tell me!  You can tell me  anything, remember?"  Luka says.  He gently touches her arm.

   "Do not ever touch me again!  Just go!  Go and do not ever come back!"  Marinette yells at him.

    "Fine, as you wish!"  Luka says angry.  He walks away, but turns back as he hears sobs come from her.

    Marinette sees him stop.  "What are you looking at anyway?  This is what you want right?  For me to be a helpless, lamb?"  Marinette says furious with him.

   "Marinette?"  Luka says sadly.

     Luka reaches up and wipes a tear from her face. 

 "Look, I am sorry.  I am sorry, okay!"  Luka says.

   "I can not talk to you anymore.  You traitor!  Get out!  Stay out!"  Marinette says.  She throws something at him and slams the door hard.

    Luka stands their in shock on her porch.  He thinks, why is she angry?  What did I do?  I thought...ugh!  Nevermind, what I thought!  He walks away hurt, and angry.

    Meanwhile, Marinette watches him walk away.  She sighs.  She is hurt and angry. 

     Marinette's  POV:  I thought I could trust him!  Then,  he  goes and pulls something like this!  How could he?   He betrays me.  He is my best friend.  He let me down.  

     Marinette saw the video Juleka took a few days ago and is furious!  She thinks Luka put up a spy camera of some sort, and took the video footage.  She is not to happy about it being public.  What if   everyone sees this and thinks, I love Luka?  She shutters at the thought.

    Luka's  POV:  Why is she angry?  What did I ever do to her?  I only ever did  what I could to support her.  I do not understand, why does she think I would betray her?  What did I do?  I can not help, but think she hates me.  I have not seen her this way in years.   Could it be, she knows I love her and regrets our friendship because of this?  

    A week later...

    Luka rings Marinette's  doorbell.  Marinette answers. She frowns when she sees who it is there on her porch.  

     "I thought I told you not to come here again!"  Marinette says.

     "Please, hear me out!"  Luka says.

     "Here  you out!  You put a video of us together on social media!  Now everyone   leaves comments on how cute a couple we are Luka!  Only we are not a couple!"  Marinette says.

      "I  never did this.  It must have been someone else.  Some one must have seen us together!  I swear it was not me.  Marinette, I promise you!"  Luka says.

       Marinette does not respond.  She just slams the door shut before he can come inside.  

   Luka shakes his head.  He sits there with his head in his lap.  He thinks, man what do I do?  How do I earn her trust back?   I can not get to believe me that I did not know about the video.

     Marinette thinks, how dare he deny he had anything to do with the video!  Why how else does he explain how it got online a few days ago, and why there is no evidence of anyone else's presence.   None at all, as in there only us in the video , so how could he be so cruel?  How could he do this to me?

     Luka thinks, how could she accuse me of  the video?  I never made it let alone put it online.   I have no idea, how it even got there!   How should I ?  It is first I even heard about it.  I mean it, but she does not believe me.  She refuses to listen to me.  She does hate me!  

     Juleka text Marinette...

    Hi, Marinette!

  Marinette  text to Juleka...

    Oh, hi, Juleka!

  Juleka text to Marinette...

   Do not be so hard on my brother, Luka.


   Marinette's text to Juleka...

    Did he tell you?


  Juleka's text to Marinette...

   He did not need too.  I could tell with the hurt look in his eyes.

  Marinette's text to Juleka...

    He posted something private and I can not stand to see him.  

  Juleka's  text to Marinette...

  Oh dear!  I  never thought my video could cause this much damage!

 Marinette's  text to Juleka...

   Your video, but I thought...


   Juleka's  text to Marinette...

   Well, you thought wrong!  He would never post anything like this!  I am sorry, I should not have posted it without asking first.    

    Marinette's text to Juleka...

    Great!  Now, I feel horrible because I shut him out!

    Marinette's  text to Luka...

     Luka, I am sorry...

   Luka's  text to Marinette...

     I forgive you!

   Marinette's text to Luka...

   You do?

 Luka's  text to Marinette...


 to be continued in Chapter  4   Close Call?

Luka Loves Marinette  Sequel to A Miraculous Valentine's  Love by Summer ChengHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin