Chapter 5: Marinette's Letter to Luka

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         One week later...

           Marinette has heard nothing from Luka for an entire week now.  She can not understand.  She knows the last she saw him was the day he kept a car from running over her.  She recalls the hurt look he had in his eyes. She remembers how he angry he was with her.  She feels she must have done him some wrong.  She is not sure what it could be. 

         Luka sighs.  He refuses to talk to anyone.  He want even discuss with his younger sister, Juleka what took place.  He can not speak about it.  He must not.  He feels miserable without Marinette in his life.  He knows the whole thing is selfish.  He can not make her love him.  

        Juleka can tell Luka is upset. She can see it in his eyes. She can hear it in his voice. She notices he has been a bad mood lately.  She can not help, but wonder what this is all about anyway.  She thinks, this is so not like him to be such a grump.  

      "Luka, come on out with it already!"  Juleka says.

    " I will not talk about her.  I  refuse to ever speak her name again."  Luka remarks.

     "Luka, is this about Marinette?  Look, I know you love her, but why are you so upset? "  Juleka ask.

       "Do not say her name ever again!"  Luka is furious.

       "Brother, what ever has gotten into you?"  Juleka ask.

    "Nothing, you could understand.  Just leave me alone!"  Luka yells at her.

    "Fine, but you know your refusal to let anyone help you makes you come across as stubborn as ever.  Besides, it will do you no good in the long run."  Juleka remarks.

    "Oh, I could care less what anyone thinks, so there."  Luka remarks.  He slams the door to his room.

      Juleka's  POV:  Wow!  This is way worse than I thought possible.  It seems my brother, suffers big time.  If I did not know any better, I would say his heart was broken.  Only, I do not believe this is true.  I mean sure, he loves Marinette, but does she love him?  I honestly do not know.

      Back to Marinette...

        Marinette decides to write to Luka.  She figures perhaps, if I write him a letter it will cheer him up.   She sighs.  She gets out a sheet of paper, and a pen.  She begins to write to him.  When she finishes, she smiles just a little as she searches for an envelope.  She finds one, puts the letter inside and seals it tight.  She adds a stamp to the envelope, puts Luka's name and address on it and places it inside her mail box.  She waits for the mail carrier to come collect it.

      Marinette waits and waits.  It seems like the day goes by fast.  She sees the postal service come by right at 3 pm.  She smiles a sigh of relief as they put her flag down and collect the note meant for Luka.  She can only hope he reads it.  She thinks, Oh, please read it!  Please!

      A few days later...

        Juleka checks the mail box.  She sees a letter inside for her brother. She smiles when sees who sent it.  She does not say a word, she just slips the envelope under the door to his room. She leaves to go on a date with her boyfriend, Ethan.  She is so happy. 

      Luka hears his sister slide something under the door to his bedroom.  He has no idea what it could be nor does he care.  He just mopes and pouts.  He has done this a lot lately.  He gets up, puts his clothes on, combs his hair, and as he is about to exit the room he almost trips over the item by the door.  He takes a closer look at it.  He frowns.  He shrugs his shoulders.  He debates with himself over rather to open it or not.  He finally decides what harm could come from it? So,  he opens it.

      Inside Luka sees a nice piece of paper with some neat handwritten message on it. 

         Dear Luka,

      I  want to say I appreciate you.  I do not know what I would have done without you all those years ago when Adrien's death hit me hard.   I really mean it.  You were the one who stood by my side all this time.  

    Now, I do not know what I did to offend you.  Did I say something wrong?  Is that it?  I mean, you have not been yourself lately.  First, you save my life which I am grateful for and you take me to the park.  Second, you hold me close.  It was so nice.  I felt so safe in your arms.  I blush when I write this part. 

        Third, I try to show how thankful I truly am.   I tickle your chin.  It is just something I have done for years.  Yet, you flinch.  You turn to me as if I hurt you.  You yell at me.  You stand up, you tell me,  "Marinette, I am sorry, I can not pretend anymore."  

       Luka, I do not get it.  Why was it so bad?  Did the tickle offend you?  If so, then why did you not just say so?  How could you just yell at me like this?   Why did you walk away?  Why did you just leave me?   You gave me your word you would always be here for me.  Yet you broke me.   

      I  want you to stay.  I  wish for you to remain.  Yet, you accuse me of  being the one who was in the wrong.   I  am sorry.  I am so sorry.  I never meant to hurt you.  Please, tell me what I must do to make it right?   I do not wish to loose you.  Please, do not hate me.  

     Oh, Luka, I spent many a night awake with you on my mind. I am not sure how to tell you how I feel.  I just know, that I do not wish to let you go.  If  I shall never hear from you again, I will understand that you do not seek to be with me.  




 PS.  Whatever you decide,  I will support you. 

   Luka feels a tear fall from his eye.  He reads the last part of the letter once more.  He knows now he has hurt her more than he ever thought possible.  He sobs louder.  

    to be continued in Chapter 6:   Luka Suprises Her?

Luka Loves Marinette  Sequel to A Miraculous Valentine's  Love by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now