Final Chapter A Happy Closure

Start from the beginning

My heart sank as soon as I heard those words, I knew what Matt wanted to speak to me about, I've been running from it my whole life.. My Father's death..his murder.

" Okay, give me ten minutes and I'll Come downstairs" I said, pretending to be okay.

I washed my face, and brushed my teeth, put on the first outfit I found, wrapped my hijab carelessly, and went downstairs.

" I'm sorry ma'am for disturbing your honeymoon, but I had to" Matt said as soon as he saw me coming down the stairs.

" It's okay, I knew that we would have this talk someday, it's inevitable " I said, sitting next to James on the couch, in our living room.

" Matt, walk us Through the Investigations" James said.

" So the Investigations of Mrs Wayne's death has proved that she indeed killed herself... carbon monoxide poisoning " Matt said.

I put my hand on James' shoulder, and kept caressing it.
I wanted to let him know that I was there for him.

" What about the reopening of Jannah's father murder Investigations??" James asked, pretending to be unaffected by Matt's words about his mother's Suicide.

" That's why I came here today!! They want to here your testimony Mrs Mohamed!!" Matt said, directly addressing me.

" My testimony!!! " I exclaimed.

" Yes.. 14 years ago it was rulled out as an accident but now we have James' mother confession, and evidence is piling up against Falcone, they need to hear your testimony, after all you were with him in the car on the night of the accident "Matt said.

" But.. I can't remember clearly what happened " I said.

" You don't have to remember everything.. Tell them what you know " James said, trying to reassure me.

" There is something else.. Will you testify against Mrs Wayne??!! " Matt asked.

That was the part I was dreading the most. Me testifying against my own late mother in law...James's mother.

I looked at James, not knowing what to say, after all with all the differences they had, he loved and chiriched her deeply.

James noticed that I was looking at him nervously.

" Jannah.. I'll support you whichever decision you will make, it's your right and your father's right, I'll always be here for you" James said, putting my hand inbetween his hands, looking me in the eye.

" No... I won't " I replied a minute later, after taking a very deep breath.

" What??!! " James said.

" I don't want to testify against Mrs Wayne, she got her punishment in this life, I don't want to punish the people I love by indicting her name after her death" I said.

" Jannah, don't do this for my sake, I beg you" James said.

" No, it's not about you only James, it's about our future children, I don't want them to live with disgrace that their grandma killed their grandpa " I said, taking my hand from between his hands, and putting it on top of them.

" Are you sure?? I'm just afraid that you would regret this decision one day!! " James said.

" I'm 100% sure.. As sure as I love you " I said, trying to reassure James.

" So you want to drop the case against her!! " Matt said.

" Yes, that's my final decision... My Father was a tolerant man, he could have forgiven her, Plus he died a martyr for his case and beliefs, I can never ask for more, and she.. She got her punishment in this life, I don't want to punish The Wayne's name for it, after all It's my name too" I said.

" Okay.. If this is your final decision ma'am I'll let our legal team at the enterprises know, now excuse me" Matt said, leaving our house.

James went to close the door after him and came back, he kept staring at me with a shy smile lingering on his lips.

" What!!??" I looked at him, not understanding what was on his mind.

" I still can't believe how God Chose me to be the man who gets to be with you!!" he said.

" I told you Richard is blonde, blondes were never my type " I joked.

" And you were never my type Jannah Mohamed, but I still fell for you!! " he said, shrugging.

I stood up to face him.

" Now I'm your type " I said, resting my hands on both his shoulders, looking him in the eye.

" Here.. " he said, extending his right arm and opening his palm for me.

I raised my eyebrowes at him, not fathoming his request.

He began to unbutton the top of his shirt by his left hand, still extending his right for me.

" James!! Not in front of the housekeepers!! " I said in denial.

" Here!! " he said again, calmly.

This time, holding both my hands, and putting them on his bare chest, over the site of his heart.

" This is only yours " he said, putting his hands on top of mine, staring deeply into my eyes... My soul.

I had no other choice but to rest my forehead against his, and stare deeply into his eyes of a sea.

It was the moment I realised that I was home, Where is there is no need for spoken words to communicate.. Just a caring touch from a person you love.

We were silent for about five minutes, only listening to each others breathing.

" I love you James Wayne " I finally said, blushing.

" I love you more Jannah Mohamed " he said, putting my head against his chest.

" Can't we just stay like that forever??!!" I said.

" We can, but it's our honeymoon, right??!!" he said.

" Yup" I replied.

" Then.. Come here!! " he said, lifting me up and carrying me bridal style, going up the stairs.

" Let me down!!" I said, terrified of falling.

" Nope.. I won't.. Wait!! What did you think I was going to do when I unbuttoned my shirt?? Dirty minded doctor!! " he said, smirking, and narrowing his eyes at me.

" What??!! Dirty minded!!! Okay then let me down immediately James Bruce Wayne!!! " I said, trying to set myself free of his grip.

" Oh, you can Fight all you want, I won't let go off you " he said, going upstairs.

" And I will never let you let me go " I replied, resting my forehead against the side of his jaw, finally surrendering to his grip.

Surrendering to our beautiful fate.

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