Chapter Thirty-Four

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I walk quickly through the halls as I always do. When I enter the classroom, surprise surprise, I'm the first one here.

I take a seat at my usual spot at the back. I still can't get my head around Hayden. She remembers me fine, but she sees me as a stranger? It doesn't make any sense.

Maybe, she thinks that she remembers me fine but in reality is forgetting a few key moments in our friendship.

Maybe she doesn't remember everything. Maybe she doesn't remember all the times I've picked her up in the middle of the night when she couldn't sleep.

Maybe she doesn't remember saving me from Jimmy on multiple occasions last summer.

Our friendship was always so simple, till it wasn't.

I look up to see Hayden walking through the classroom. She takes a seat at the front, far away from me.

She never sits in the front. What is she doing?

"Morning all" Mr Franklin greets us from the front of the class.

Suddenly I see Hayden looking over her shoulder, glaring directly at me.

What the hell is her problem?

"Is the test today?" Roger in the front row questions.

"That's next week Timmy" Franklins tell him.

"Its Roger" he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever" Mr Franklins says, "now we're going to be continuing with what we were doing last lesson...Hayden, am I boring you?"

I furrow my brows, directing my gaze at Hayden.

"What?" she asks, making the class laugh.

"Pay attention" Mr Franklins orders.

Hayden likes to daydream in class but usually, teachers don't realize.


"Remember to read chapters twenty to twenty-four" Franklins calls, "you will be tested on your knowledge"

Great another test. I guess that's senior year. Besides, finals are coming up, I guess I need all the prep that I can get.

I push my way through the crowded classroom until I found myself in the hallway. I walk beside the lockers but grow impatient due to the people in front of me, moving at the same speed as snails.

Suddenly I feel someone push me. I glare at the girl in front of me.

It's Hayden.

What is she doing pushing me like that?

I blink and before I know it, her lips are against mine, her hands pulling me towards her.

I haven't kissed these lips since the summer—The night of Duncan's accident.

Her kisses felt like no others. It felt right in every way, making me not want to pull away.

"What if he hurts you?" She whispered  to me that night.

"He won't" I assured, laying beside her on her bed.

"Please don't" Hayden begged.

"I need to end this" I kissed her lips before standing up and getting dressed.

"Don't" she shook her head.

"I'll see you soon" I reassured before leaving her bedroom.

She then pulls away with haunted eyes. Why? Why did she kiss me?

She suddenly nods before walking away. What was that? Was she testing a theory or did she want to hurt me?

Hayden knows better than to kiss me. Or does she? Since her accident, she's been different.

"You alright man?" A voice asks from beside me.

"What?" I look beside me where I find Tyler with furrowed brows.

"You don't look so good" Tyler observes.

"I..." I start slowly, "got to go"


After school, I slam my locker door shut before walking quickly through the hallway.

She's nowhere in sight.

I walk outside, towards the parking lot where I immediately notice the heavy rain and thunder. A storm was coming.

I look to my left, where I find Hayden. I clench my jaw before pushing her gently against the wall. What was she playing at? Had she remembered something?

"You remember something don't you?" I look her dead in the eye. 

"I don't..." She trails off before shaking her head.

She knows better than to kiss me, especially after what happened last time.

I don't open up to people, I never let people in. She was the only one. She is the only one who has the power to truly hurt me. She knows that. That's why she knows better than to kiss me.

"You cannot pull shit like that Hayden! That shit matters to me" I scream over the violent rain.

"So we did sleep together" she nods. 

"If there's a slight chance that you'll remember...." I then hear what she said, "what did you say?"

Does she remember? She remembers and still kissed me. That bitch.

So she was testing a theory. She just wanted information from me. Why couldn't she just ask? Why did she have to put me through that?

Her eyes widen in shook "we did didn't we?"

"You remember our..." I release her from my hold.

"No and let's keep it that way," Hayden says quickly.

What? Does she remember that night or not? Does she even want to?

"Why are you so afraid?" I cry.

"How bout I go my way...and you go yours" she yells over the storm.

"You said it yourself" I start, "you remember me"

"No...I don't" she shakes her head. "Yeah, I may have these memories but that doesn't mean—"

"Yes, it does" I argue.

"What happened between us...The night of Duncan's accident?" She asks.

I look into her eyes.

I'm certain that she remembers. She doesn't need me to explain or spell it out.

"I think you know" I clench my jaw.

She gives me an unsure but curious look. "Does anyone else know?"

Is she kidding?

I shake my head.

I've lost my best friend. I guess us sleeping together explains why I was more overprotective than usual after Duncan's accident. God, I actually believed that that night would never be discussed again.

With that, I walk away from her through the rain.



Three chapters this week because I've found myself with some extra time :)

Please tell me your thoughts as the ending is getting closer.

Thank you

Happy reading!!!

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