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[Daehwi's Memory]

Daehwi wandered around in the dark halls of the orphanage quietly. It's rare for him to go around and about at night, especially when they locked you in a room. Remembering about one of the kids that he met, he stopped and glared at the wall. It was loose, he grabbed it and moved it out of its place to see an open space between the brick wall here and the other wall. He checked around his surrounding making sure no one sees him doing this, he took out a folded paper and placed it in there. After placing the brick back in it's spot, he hurried back to his feet and heard a door opening. He turned quickly and ran off back to where he was supposed to belong to. He opened the slightly opened door of his room and hurried back to his bed then cover himself in the blanket.


He shuts his eyes tightly and continues to pretend that he was asleep. Every child in the room was awake after hearing the wall being banged on.

"Get up, all of you."

The person shouted at them, everyone including Daehwi stood up from their beds hanging their heads low while playing with their fingers behind their backs.

"So I heard a footstep, you guys must be awake right? Which one of you were trying to leave huh?"

The person added as he walked back and forth between the kids. No one answers, all of them except Daehwi didn't even know that the door was left open. The person walked around and stopped in front of Daehwi, he grabbed Daehwi's chin and raised it up.

"You left right? That light brown hair gave you away when I came through that door near the hall."

"I-I di-didn't plan on l-leaving!"

Daehwi stuttered as he exclaimed his defense statement. The person only smiled before pushing Daehwi down to the ground causing a loud noise.

"That's what all the kids say when they want to leave from this orphanage. You, as a punishment. You will stay in this room till I say so, no food, no drinks, got it?"

Daehwi nodded quickly as he stayed on the floor kneeling to the person.

"The rest of you out, I'll find you guys another room."

And so they left Daehwi in the room alone in the dark. When Daehwi decided to stand up, the door opened again slowly making him feel scared. A head popped out from behind showing another kid around his height. The kid spotted Daehwi by the bed and came in the room closing the door slowly behind him.


The kid said as he handed Daehwi a paper airplane, Daehwi was confused as he looked at the paper airplane.

"Can you throw it?"

"Like this..?"

And Daehwi threw it, it flies a little before meeting the ground. The boy next to him, he went to get and returned the airplane back to Daehwi. He placed the airplane in his fingers and held onto his wrist as he stands behind.

"Throw it like this."

The kid said he motioned Daehwi's hand throwing it lightly aiming it up a little. The airplane went further this time, Daehwi smiled at the sight forgetting everything that just happened. He looked back to see the kid looking around the room. He joined the other to see what he was looking for.

"I know you know how to fold so lets try with this, copy me alright?"

Daehwi nodded as the kid tore up a nearly paper crumpled paper. Daehwi was given a half paper as the other started to show how to make a paper airplane. Daehwi followed the other carefully making sure he got everything that was being shown.

"Then pull the corners here apart folding them down towards the plane's base. And here we are, the paper airplane."

"Wow, where did you learn this? This is cool."

Daehwi asked as the kid just stay quiet to that response. The silence grew between them and Daehwi wanted to start a conversation but doesn't know how. The only simple things had pop up in his mind and curiosity took over.

"May I know some information about you? Like name and birthday if possible..?"

"I... I don't know, I don't have a name nor do I know my birthday."

The kid said leaving Daehwi in shock, the kid looked back at the door before standing up. Daehwi looked around to find a crayon laying on the floor beside his feet. He picked it up and open up the folded spots of the airplane. He wrote on it quickly and hand it to the kid.

"You should get going now, I don't want you to get caught Jinyoungie~"


"I'll give you that name, Bae Jinyoung. It seems to fit you."

Daehwi said as he smiled to the other, the kid nodded slowly agreeing to the name decision.

"I'll come find you on a day and let's call that your birthday okay?"

Again Jinyoung nodded before holding onto the airplane Daehwi created. He turned his back and head to the door. He waved at Daehwi and Daehwi waved back, there now Daehwi is all alone in the room after Jinyoung left. But the happiness inside of Daehwi never left, he was glad that Jinyoung came in to teach him these stuff.

[Present Time]

Daehwi was sitting out in the dark in a quiet park, he still need to check with Kuan Lin and Seonho about staying over. Everyone else had either people over like relatives or have no room for him. His phone buzzed, he glanced at the screen before feeling sad. Seonho messaged that he was staying over at his family's place whilst Kuan Lin was out of town. He could go to their place but he got no access to any of the locks they have. Jinyoung stayed behind a tree watching over Daehwi, so late yet Jinyoung finally decided to watch over him. Jinyoung just wears a t-shirt with a coat over along with blue jeans.

"He still doesn't have a place to stay over huh.? He should've taken my offer.."

Jinyoung really doesn't listen to Daehwi's word, Jinyoung walked up to the other standing in front of him under the park light. Daehwi looked up and was scared when he saw Jinyoung.

"W-what now?!"

"Come on, we're going home."

Jinyoung said coldly as Daehwi still refusing to go with the latter. Jinyoung sighed before grabbing Daehwi's hand and pulling him up.

"Stop acting like a toddler, you know you don't have a place to stay. Its fine, you won't sleep with me, I'm not going to force you to sleep with me. The weather tonight is going to be a killer if you don't take this offer I'm giving."

Jinyoung partially shouted whether the sleeping neighbors heard him or not. Daehwi had finally annoyed the crap out of Jinyoung, he still doesn't care. Jinyoung took a deep breath before letting go of Daehwi, he removed his coat and wrapped it around Daehwi.

"Fine, you really see me as a killer. Go ahead, go report to the police. Stay out in this cold weather."

Jinyoung said, he turned around and walked away leaving Daehwi speechless.

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