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Rain pours heavily as a kid was running from the lights of a car. Wearing his little backpack, he ran as fast as he can trying to get to safety from those is wanting to kill him.


A sound of the backpack meeting the concrete, the car door was opened. The person behind the wheels went to look at the kid who he just ran over. Blood pouring out from his head, his bones being broken. The kid's eye was only opened tiny a bit as he wants to survive.

"Pl-please.. save.. me.."

He said as the person started to walk away from the scene and continued out. The kid was left under the rain for the night, losing blood as time passes, and clearly beginning to lose hope.

5 Years Later

The same kid, he was already running in the forest as a practice run of what he told from the person who adopted him. He jumped over the broken trunk of a tree and fell behind it. He pulled out the given pistol and aimed at the target. As time passes slowly, a wolf appeared as the kid make eye contact with it. He hesitated to kill it, an innocent wolf sitting next to the target giving him a happy smile. Footsteps came to the side of the kid, holding a disappointed expression.

"Jinyoung, kill it. Remember our rules, don't let any witnesses live."

He said in English, Jinyoung aimed the pistol towards the wolf and hesitated again. The person saw the hesitation and took the gun from Jinyoung. He aimed it, Jinyoung kept contact with the wolf before realizing something.

"Leon, no!"

Jinyoung shouted and pushed the gun making Leon miss the shot on the wolf. Leon looked at Jinyoung with a disgusted look.

"You've grown too soft. If you don't kill all the witnesses, you'll get tracked and dragged down. You'll be alone going through hardship."

Leon said as he grabbed Jinyoung's shirt and dragged him towards a tree. Leon tied Jinyoung to the tree after giving Jinyoung a reasonable punishment. Leon took the pistol with him as he walked away.

"Leon! Please! Let me out! Leon!"

Jinyoung pleaded as he resisted against the tight rope. He grew tired after resisting after hours since Leon left him. The wolf returned and sat in front of Jinyoung. Jinyoung make eye contact with it once again feeling connected to the wolf for some reason.

13 Years Later

Jinyoung was sitting around in the hideout that Leon provided themselves. Jinyoung was feeding his wolf that saved him years ago. The sun was rising, he went to get ready for his preparation of the assassination plan. He wore his hat and wore a fake spec before leaving the house.

[Target's House]

Jinyoung was checking through the air vents around the mafia's house. He put the cover back on before checking his surroundings making sure they weren't paying attention to him. He slid out a small microphone to have it recording any conversation from his target. He put it up against the wall surrounding the vent. He closes it off finishing his small work. He gathered his stuff and waited for the target to lead him out.

"Thank you, you've done well. Now let me lead you out."

He said not suspicious of Jinyoung's identity, Jinyoung followed behind the target.

"Is there anything you need? Ah, it seems like you're a korean since you understood what I said."

The person said as he stopped at the front door, Jinyoung looked at the person before continuing his way out of the door, ignoring the person. The person just watched Jinyoung, not annoyed that he just got ignored.

[Leon's Home]

Leon returned home then immediately went to the kitchen. He stood there thinking something was wrong. He looked around not seeing anyone, he made his way out of the kitchen going towards a basement. He slowly stepped down as he pulled out his pistol. Jinyoung was going through pictures and examining the guns that he was going to use. Jinyoung sensed something and grabbed one of the pistols that was displayed.

"Drop the weapon."

Leon said before coming out from behind the wall, Jinyoung fell behind the tray that was holding pictures. Jinyoung kept moving avoiding to get shot from Leon.

"Leon! It's me!"

Jinyoung shouted in English as he got behind a shelf and shoot back missing purposely. Leon ignored Jinyoung as he continued to shoot not caring if Jinyoung gets shot. Jinyoung got closer to Leon and put away his weapon. As Leon moved closer as Jinyoung stopped moving from behind a wall. He turned to the other side and didn't see Jinyoung there. Jinyoung came up behind Leon, Leon felt it and shoot but misses as Jinyoung reacted quickly. Jinyoung grabbed Leon's weapon and forced it out of his hands. Leon pulled out a knife and started to swing it as Jinyoung dodged them quickly.

"Aish, this old man-"

Jinyoung fell against the table and laid on his back as Leon got on top of him. He put the knife on Jinyoung's shoulder, Jinyoung held it attempting to hold it back. Leon puts more force on the knife, it slowly moved closer and made contact with Jinyoung's shoulder. Jinyoung endured the pain letting it happen. He uses his legs and kick Leon off, Jinyoung took the knife out and threw it somewhere else. Him and Leon continued bare hands, Jinyoung may be hurt but he can still fight strongly. He managed to get behind Leon again then quickly headlocked Leon. He held it long enough till Leon was knocked out cold. Jinyoung let go as he took several deep breaths. He carried Leon out and to his room and treated him before leaving the room to an empty room.

Leon woke up as he see a tube connected to him from the water supply. He took it off and exit his room, Jinyoung's pet was there wandering. Jinyoung and already resting on couch minding his own business. As Leon went to the table behind Jinyoung and took a seat, Jinyoung sneakly went to a different app showing the picture that he took before.

"Leon, you should let me do this part for you."

"Stay out of this, it's my job."

"Your condition right now isn't going to make this be successful."

Jinyoung snapped, Leon turned around and saw what's Jinyoung was looking at. Leon digged out the same picture and stared at it a little longer.

"You know, I was debating whether I should share this with you or not in case I forget who you are."

Leon stood up and went to Jinyoung dropped the picture in front of him. Jinyoung glanced at it before picking it up. He glared at the picture a little longer before looking up to Leon.

"If I die, live with happy people around you, don't live like me."

Leon said and headed back to his room, Jinyoung didn't say anymore as he just watches Leon's door closes. Jinyoung headed back down to the basement finishing up his preparations. After marking his spot and time, he felt odd then glared up at the basement door. He stopped everything and hurried back up to rushed back to Leon's room. He burst through the door and was met with the empty presence.

"Damn it!"

He swears and hurried to prepare himself to go after Leon. He grabbed his cloth and hat then went down to the basement contained his weapons. Jinyoung rushed out of the place and started to run.

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