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A Year Later

Jinyoung went to his first school after moving back into Korea. He wore his uniform and walked around the school as he felt female students staring at him. He immediately went to his classroom and laid his head down on the table till the bell rang.



Jinyoung raised his head from his little nap, students were slowly coming in the class after the bell. Everyone settled down as the teachers enters the room. Instead of introduction, they started a refresher lesson, Jinyoung stared at the board trying to take in the information. Not long after, a paper ball hit his head. Jinyoung ignored it, he surely was going to find out who hit him. The lesson continued on as they wrote in their notebooks or scratch papers. The teacher continued to put things down on the board as the class tries to learn off it.

"Sucky teacher, don't even teach us anything other than putting things on the board."

Jinyoung thought as he kept staring back up at the board and continue his notes. He sighed softly before hearing a group of small laughters beside him. Of course, those type of students that will never keep their mouths shut. They whispered and whispered including small laughters here and there. It doesn't bother Jinyoung, but he got a chance to just stare out the window they were in front of. After looking back at the front, the teacher was already gone as the class finishes the note. Jinyoung looked down and picked up the paper ball that was thrown at him. He unraveled it in case it held some message in it. He looked up before balling it up again. He walked up the trash can by the door and exit the room with his stuff on him. Though class haven't ended, he decided to skip it to not handle with a sucky teacher that just put things on the board and not teach. He headed up to the rooftop. As he opened the door, he was met with the wind breeze and the nature smell.

"It's been awhile since I last smelt and feel this."

Jinyoung mumbled to himself as he got closer to the edge. He looked out to the view feeling himself once again. He stayed and rested for a little bit before hearing the bell goes off telling them that he needs to go to the next class. Remembering his schedule, he had to go to the gym. He checked his bags in case he forgets his gym clothes. He zipped it up before rushing down the stairs and off to the gym.


He entered the locker room with few guys ready changing clothes, some kept their shirts off as they talk with their buddies. Jinyoung just went to the front bench and removed his shirt revealing the scars he had from before. Not minding the stares, he only knows that they're only staring at his body, not the scars he had. He grabbed his pants and went to the restroom and changed there. He came out with his school pants folded and went back to his first spot. He packed the uniform away and headed out with the others to start gym. As soon as everyone finishes changing to their gym clothes, they were lined up in columns and rolls as their gym coach look through everyone.

"Alright! Kids, listen up. Despite this being your first day, you will be running around the court till we stopped you guys. Even after running, you all will be doing push ups, jumping jacks, etc etc with the second coach here."

He shouted as the students let out a sigh and complained to the people next to them. Jinyoung stood there waiting for the whistle to go off.


And so the students were out of their spots as they ran around the court. Jinyoung waited a bit before following behind. What? He just doesn't like to be in a crowded place when he's running. With how fit Jinyoung was since he was from kid, he managed to get past a lot of classmates couple times. Some students slowed down and walked as they try to act like they're running. Jinyoung was stopped by the first coach and was sent upstairs to meet the second coach.

"Ah, so the Coach Kang got some favor on you? Already huh?"

"No sir, I didn't talk with him or anything as of now."

Jinyoung responded as the other looked down at Coach Kang with an annoyed look.

"Alright, do 100 jumping jacks and push-ups. Copy what I'm about to show you."

Jinyoung watch the 2nd coach closely as he got down preparing to do push ups. The coach countdown before starting, a push up, getting up and doing a simple jumping jacks, and repeat. Jinyoung nodded as he went by the wall where he'll barely be seen. He did what the coach did keeping his breathing steady. The coach stood by Jinyoung watching and keeping count. After a few, more students started to come up which led Jinyoung to being left alone. The coach went and instruct the other students doing the same as what he did for Jinyoung. As for Jinyoung, he finished doing what he was told and watch the others.

"Jinyoung, you can do whatever. You're done with the activity here."

Jinyoung nodded then headed back downstairs looking for something. Not paying attention, he ran into another classmate of his.

"Ah, sorry!"

His classmate said and continued to run, Jinyoung watches as Coach Kang was yelling at him. Jinyoung shrugged it off and ignored it and walked to the other side of the court. He went to the corner as he found the bar he was looking for. He grabbed onto the bar and started to do pull ups till the bell rings signalling them for lunch. He went back to the locker and changed again before going to the cafeteria.

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