Chapter Twelve

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Pic of Aspen and some facts about her above^^(eyes are the color for this chapter and-maybe-the following, the jacket is also hers) Or to the side>>

I sat in the dark quiet house. My breathing ragged but shallow from the large dose I was given previously. Mia felt disconnected and I'd be worried if I couldn't feel the slight pressure of her presence. I'd be entirely lost without her.

Through the darkness, I could make out the outlines of furniture and objects, I would've been able to see more if it wasn't for that damned liquid whatever they drugged me with. I was hazy and could feel the dread and weariness pull heavily on my shoulders.

I heard the jingling of keys before the obvious click of a door unlocking.

I watched as the old lady opened the door and turned around upon entering to lock it. I heard her disgruntled sigh as she flicked on the lights. I winced at the sudden brightness.

That's when I decided to make my presence known.

"Hey, Janette," I spoke. She whipped around to see me sitting on her couch. Her eyes went wide and her mouth opened to scream. Before she could I launched myself up and made it to her in almost inhuman speed, covering her mouth before she could make any noise.

"Don't scream, please." I pleaded. I watched the array of emotions that went through her eyes. Confusion. Recognition. Then settling on sadness.

"If I let go will you scream?" She shook her head, no. I released her and backed up to sit on the couch again.

"I need your help," I sighed giving her my best puppy dog eyes. "I didn't kill Riley." I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous assumption.

I saw the slight relief that passed through her, but she was still unsure.

"Then who did?" She finally spoke up, her voice brittle with grief.

"I don't know, Janette. I'd tell you if I did." I let my gaze wander to the beige carpeted floor. I didn't look up until I felt the slight dip of the couch, gradually lifting my head to watch her wearily.

She placed a warm wrinkled hand on my cheek, "I'll help you, darling."
Janette had come up with a plan for my escape. I now clutched a small bag in my hand the strap dangled by my side, stuffed with money, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and a bottle of water. I would've left and been on my way by now if we didn't have company downstairs.

By company, I meant Cole, Alpha Bennett, and my oh-so-wonderful mate. I growled lowly as I watched them through the slit of the upstairs windows blinds-surrounded by darkness. I listened intently to their conversation.

"-Cole says she was with you before she was imprisoned." Alpha Bennett said. He seemed calm for someone who had just lost a prisoner. Cole on the other hand...was a flaming rage next to his Alpha-you could practically see the steam coming from his ears.

My mate, on the other hand, was smirking at the back of their heads-

Oh, shit. I suddenly thought. He can probably sense I'm here! I bet my scent is all over the living room! I was abruptly frightened at the idea. He had already taken Ember from me, what if he was the one who sent them after me!?

I wish Mia was here to comfort me. But she stayed silent despite my pokes and prods-not a stir or twitch in her deep slumber.

Killian looked up, noticing me.

He didn't alarm the others or point me out, no, he lifted his mouth into a smirk and winked at me. He winked at me!

I shrunk back into the shadows not daring to look out the window again.

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