Chapter Nine

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The weeks passed by slowly, each day I was overwhelmed with a sharp blade-like stab to the chest, every passing day it worsened.

The guards Killian had placed outside the house were constantly on the lookout, there was no way to get passed them.

Despite the predicament, I had plans to leave this home and visit Ember.

I sneakily stumbled downstairs, making my way for the backdoor. As I inched my way there as sudden sharp pain struck my temple. It felt as though millions of warriors were relentlessly stabbing my frontal lobe. The tiny spikes like frozen needles. Then it's paused for a split second before the cold turned into a seething rage of untamable flams.

I tried to scream out. Tried to get someones attention. But nothing but a pitiful whine escaped my lips as I came crashing, not so gracefully, quietly to the ground.

The pain ceased for a moment, but soon enough, an explosion of images poured through my sight. I closed my eyes to rid of these pictures, it didn't help. The images continued to clutter my vision until my brain was nothing but a throbbing mess.

I felt numb.

Like my mind had shut off.

I felt empty.

The images continued to flow, but now freely and calm. Like a birds feather filtering through the trees. Then it came to a stop as I lay limply on the cool ground.

It had finally set on one image, or, video?

I recognized this forest, with its always green strong and proud trees stretching high. The tree stump accompanied by a stone caught my attention, and i knew where I was. My pack.

"Come on, you don't have to do this." A voice pleaded, backing out of the trees into the small clearing. I knew this wolf, with their brown shaggy hair and minimal, more like close to none, muscle. It was Riley, a pack warrior. But what was he doing here?

"For a warrior, you're quite the cowardly type. To be honest, I was expecting a bit of a fight from you." A voice laughed, intentionally snapping a twig beneath their feet.

I couldn't see who it was, but I could tell, by their rough voice, it was male and a wolf too.

Then, once again, my vision blurred, right as the man was about to reveal themselves. All I was able to catch was a slight glimpse of a good, that's all.

When my senses came back to me I was horrified by what I saw. Blood. Everywhere.

Splattered on the ground and stone, along with clumps of bloodied fur. Riley must have shifted before he was attacked. But the strange thing was, there was no corps. Usually, when a wolf died in their wolf form, the human body was left behind. But there was nothing, meaning i was either crazy, or the man had taken the body. Maybe he hid it.

Whatever had happened, I had to go. This just proves my reasoning, I can't be with my mate, I can't leave my pack behind.

He didn't have a mate, although he had been searching for years, his family, along with the rest of the pack, would be devastated. Hell, I was devastated.

I knew this would only make things worse with Killian, but I had to go.

And with that, I ran, out the back door, my heavy footsteps fueled by rage and grief.

Killian's Pov

I was trying my absolute hardest to concentrate on the stacks of paperwork that lay atop my messy desk. But it was difficult. Sitting alone in my office with no one to distract my mind, and wolf, my thoughts kept turning to a certain dark-grey-eyed she-wolf.

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