Chapter Two

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  "Amber!" Ember whined, she was sitting on my bed, waiting for me to get ready. I had picked out a dark sleeved shirt with a white design flowing down from the collar, paired with black skinny jeans.
  "Are you ready yet?" She complained.
  "I'm almost done!" I laughed. Finishing up, I opened the door, stepping out into my room.
"Come on, Ember, lets go." I muttered, starting my way to the door, Ember following closely behind.


  Cars filled with noisy children zoomed past us, the humans inside throwing pieces of paper and half full cans out of the vehicle. The air smelled of old coffee and rotting food. I truly hated the human world.
  "Disgusting." I growled. They didn't care for the enviornment around them, they took it for granted, and abused it any chance they got.
  "It's not that bad...." Ember said, not sounding that convinced herself.
  "Sure, Ember, sure..." I muttered. We crossed over the road, the humans walking around gave us strange looks. Well we had just emerged from a random spot if the forest, I could only imagine what was going on in those insignificant minds of theirs.
  "Look, Aspen! Clothes!" Ember exclaimed. Sighing, I followed her. I really did not understand the obssesion of clothes most girls our age seemed to have. I mean, they are only pieces of cloth that keep you from walking around naked all day. That was pretty much all they were good for.
  We spent a good portion of the day clothes shoping in several human stores. We'd been through at least four before Ember actually found something she liked. The store's name was a rather unusual one, Moon's & More.
  From the clothes options and store's demeanor, this was not a 'family owned business' like the sign said. Within seconds of being in this place, I was instantly uncomfortable.
  It wasn't an the customers that were unsettling, it was the employees. Ones hair was brown, the other blonde. The uniforms they wore seemed to belong in a more battle ready war ground than a clothing store. They seemed to constantly on alert, to add to it, their frozen gazes were always on us.
  I elbowed Ember, catching her attention.
  " we should leave." I whispered.
  "What? Why?" Ember said puzzledly. Ughhh...oblivious as always.
  I didn't reply I, instead, casually nodded in the direction of the suspicious looking employees in question.
  "Your so dramatic, Aspen, just let it be. We'll be done in a few minuets.
  five minuets passed, then ten, fifteen, twenty....
  And we were finally checking out. In the end I hadn't picked out anything from this store, and, Ember, even though we had sepnt over twenty minuets in here, had only gotten two outfits.
  A black and white stripped shirt hoddie thingy with jeans, and a soft crop top with black jeans.
   The employees only got more....whatever the word is.....they stared at me the whole time.
  I wasn't the only one itching to get out of here, my wolf, too, was restless. Beging me to leave Ember behind and go outside. I didn't exactly know why, but from the way she was acting it was important. I ignored her constant nagging to abandon Ember.
  we'll be out soon enough. I said, attempting to calm her down. She only growled in response.
  Dispite my regards to not leave Ember, I was tempted to. I continually had my gaze trained on the exit. I was edge, and desperately wanted to rush out the door. Every nerve in my body was telling me to.
  Glancing back at the items on the counter, I saw that only the first selection of clothing had been scanned, the black and white shirt thingy. Checking my mental clock I was even more surprised to see it had only been about five seconds.
  My breath grew heavy, my wolf's pacing didn't help, and I continually clenched and unclenched my fists. I was growing impatient, I growled lowly under my breath, a echoed noise of my frustrated wolf as she began howling loudly in my head.
  My head seemed to have a heartbeat of its own as it pounded relentlessly. I looked around vigorously, never letting my gaze rest on a single object for more than a mere second. I was only drawn back to consciousness when an elbow met my side, waking me from my restless state for a few split seconds.
  "What?!" I asked Ember frantically.
  "Are you okay, Aspen? What's wrong?" She said concerned.
  "Wrong...wrong? Nothing...nothings wrong!? L-lets go.. " I panicked, I doubt I sounded at all convincing.
Ember didn't question any further, it would've been useless if she had and she knew that, instead she lead me out of the shop.
  I froze instep upon exiting the building. A pungent scent hit me mercilessly. It was a strong, yet a flavorful one. It smelled of pine trees and mint, along with a hint of a vanilla lavender in it.
  I unconsciously began to follow it, as if it was a drug and was batting me. I followed it along busy sidewalks, over a traffic filled road, and past several buildings. I heard Ember calling me as she followed suit. My wolf didn't care, and, therefore, neither did I.
  As I got closer to the overwhelming scents' origin, I picked up an argument that didnt seem to be ending in any sort of agreement in the near future. I stumbled into a stand off, a pack and a group of rogues. I paid no mind as the followers of the leader rogue stared me down curiously. I kept on tracing the scent. The Alpha's surge of hateful words halted.
  The scent grew immensely, and I stopped, when I looked up I was met with a pair of grey-blue eyes. The left eye of his was seemingly blurred, suggesting he may be half blind, a scar across it. The man before me stood with great confidence, his height and structure screamed authority. He had raven black hair, a tanned skin tone, and stood at about a height of 6'4, easily towering above my mere 5'3.5. No one could mistake it, from his tough exterior to his intimidating height, he was an Alpha.
  And a damn good-looking one at that. My wolf muttered breathlessly.
  He slowly reached out, placing a large hand gently on the side of my face. I unconsciously leaned into his touch. My wolf let out a soft purr.
  My wolf's usual sly comments and chatty behaviour seemed to have halted completly, as my world came to a stop once she uttered the word I never thought I'd here.


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