Part Three: Project

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I walked to the school with my head down as usual, unnoticed. The bell rang and class started. 1st period. 2nd period. Lunch. 3rd period. They went by just as any other day. Taking notes in the back. Eating alone in a bathroom stall. No one approached me.

Just as I thought the day couldn't get any better, I was right. The second I stepped into my 4th period classroom was when my day sky rocketed straight to hell. I took one look at the daily agenda, and practically died on the spot.

"Group project!?"

This can't be happening. Shit, shit, SHIT. Over and over I kept repeating it in my head. No, no, no, no, no. WHY. I was even thinking about stopping to get Granddad and myself some coffee at Duncan's Donuts. My day is ruined.

When the bell rang, Mrs. Gillian began to explain the assignment.

"You will make a movie about the lesson we've been talking about. Each student must have at least 10 lines of film. The movie needs to be at least two minutes long. The project is worth 40% of your grade. The rest of the criteria is in a document that I emailed to each of you. I can't wait to see your creations! Oh! One more thing. I'll be choosing your groups."

I froze. I am not doing the assignment. I don't care how much it'll effect my grade. There is no way I'm going to do it. My worst nightmare has happened.

Mrs. Gillian went through a few groups, and then she got to mine.

"Vanessa, Tiffany, CJ, and Maryanne."

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. Of course she puts me with the most popular and beautiful students! Vanessa and Tiffany are skinny and they have perfect skin. They are always chatting together and gossiping about the latest drama. CJ always has girls literally drooling over him.

I walked to Mrs. Gillian's desk. "I can't do the project. You know me. You know I hate groups. Can't you give me a different assignment or something? I'll do anything else. I'll write a five thousand word essay for Christ's sake, AND I DON'T EVEN BELIEVE IN GOD."

Mrs. Gillian looked at me with disappointment. "I'm not giving you a special project. You are no different than anyone else in this classroom. I'm sure there are plenty of people in here that would rather do something else too."

I stumbled, shocked at what I was hearing."B-but-"

"No buts Maryanne, you need to get along with your group. You're always so quiet, befriending them might actually do you some good. And take that hood off, it's rude to have a hat on indoors."

My face went from fear to pure anger. I can't believe her! Just because she's pretty and has a big family doesn't mean she can talk to me like that! But there's nothing that will change her mind. I have to get it done and over with.

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