XXII. Tedious Lives

Start from the beginning

She twirls her hair, "What sick game?"

"Don't you bullshit me. You're hooking up with Ben to spite Landon."

"Look-" she said, flipping her hair back, "He knows."

"Ben knows?"

"Yeah," she shrugged, "I made a deal with him yesterday."

"What deal?" There were so many changes that I'm getting agitated just hearing it.

"We pretend to be together to make Landon jealous. I mean, I got to get back on him for cheating on me."

"What's in it for him?"

"He gets to tell people he's dating me." She smiles, pointing two fingers at herself. "Don't worry about it." I was extremely concerned. She pushes me lightly, "Are we good here?" She turns her heels and walks down the hallway.

Winnie snapped her fingers, "BennyBoo!" she sang.

I sigh, following them along with everyone else. My body twitched slightly, noticing Eli was beside me, "Them being together is weird, huh?"

I stare at them from behind, "Definitely. Something I did not see coming."

"How are you?" Eli asked me.


He bends his legs, but he doesn't stop moving. "Are you still embarrassed about our kiss?" he teased.

I immediately pushed his face back, "Not even in your dreams," I said and sped up my steps.

Passing by Luke, I turn my head towards the other side to avoid eye contact.

Ben settled the books down at Winnie's perspective spot, and after she nodded in approval, she kissed his cheek. "Pick me up after class and not a minute late."

Quickly, he nodded, and Winnie smiled before walking towards her desk, where everyone threw her multiple questions. Ben sighs, placing a hand on his cheek, "Isn't your classroom on the other side of school?" Trevon reminded him.

"Holy crab cakes!" Ben shouted and ran towards his class.

Instantly, I grab Ben by the shirt and slam him against the locker. "Ow!" He rubs his head.

I didn't want to intervene whatever it is between them, but Ben is Trevon's friend, and Winnie is somehow my friend, so I don't want shit to crumble between them. "Look-"

"Don't Ava, please." I released his shirt, and he quickly adjusted his glasses. "I know its stupid," he stated, indicating that he knows, I know.

His eyes dropped as he held onto the strap of his backpack tighter. "You like Winnie." I sigh, wondering why a nice guy like Ben would like someone like Winnie. Yes, she is pretty, but she is also pretty bitchy, "Ben."

"Just let me live this dream a bit longer. I don't mind if Winnie uses me."

I smile, but it wasn't a joyous one. "Just-"

"I can't promise it won't hurt." He exhaled softly, "But, please understand Ava. I've always wanted this."

"To have a girlfriend?"

"To be useful."

"Ben, you're not useless."

He smiled lightly, "Let's not kid ourselves, Ava. I'm not athletic. I'm not smart. I'm not attractive. People barely notice my existence and if it weren't for Trevon and Eli, who I accidentally bump into freshman year. I probably won't have any friends. Me being able to date Winnie is a miracle."

I shook my head lightly towards his method of thinking, "You shouldn't think about yourself like that. You can be so much more; I know it," I encouraged him. I'm not sure whether Ben can accomplish more in his life, but a little white lie won't hurt anyone, right?

Ben only smiled in return, but I can tell he didn't believe me.

Lunchtime arrived, and I couldn't stop staring at the new odd couple in front of me. Ben was picking out the strawberries from the strawberry yogurt while Winnie was putting on lipstick before eating for some inexplicable reason.

He hands her the cup, and she smiles before giving him the spoon. Ben gladly accepted the command and began feeding Winnie.

"This is so weird," Trevon and Mary said at the same time. They look at each other.

I shook my head and continued eating my fruits instead of the cardboard they call pizza.

"So-" Winnie said, planting her chin against her palms, "What are we doing this weekend?"

"We?" Trevon question.

"Yes. We." She looks at Ben, "Right, Benny?" She batted her lashes.

He grinned, "Yes."

"Well. We-" Trevon circulates his finger around the three guys," We are going to have a guys night."

"Yeah!" Eli screamed, "No girls allowed!"

What are we? In elementary school?

"BennyBoo." Winnie pouted, "You won't spend the night with me?" Now, that sentence holds many meanings.

Ben blushed, "Umm, maybe we can let the girls-" he trailed off, "join?"

Trevon scoffed, "I see." He looks at Eli, who shook his head in disapproval, "He's one of those guys."

"What guy?" Mary asked.

"You know. Those guys who bring their girlfriend everywhere! It's guys night for a reason!"

"Guys," Ben said slowly. "Come on." He tugged Trevon by the shirt, who scooted farther away from him.

I sigh, pressing my fingers further into my head, "I need to go to the nurse's office," I said, feeling the headache emerging once more. I stood up and picked up the leftover lunch.

"Want me to go with you?" Trevon asked, but I rejected his offer.

Walking away from the table and towards the nurse's room, I continued massaging my temples, praying that the headache will decrease.

"How could you do this to me?" a voice shriek.

I closed my eyes, sending a short prayer to the sky.

I closed my eyes, sending a short prayer to the sky

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