Confused, Y/N looked down to see a fabric separating the two. Eyes narrowing to find the culprit, she came face to face with the famous Aizawa Shota.

Midoriya was a flustered mess, apologizing vigorously and bowing to a perfect 90 degree. Meanwhile the H/C haired girl stood there with a bored expression and her hand on her hip.

"We will not be having any of that, in class." He replied in a bored tone, catching the other students attention.

Y/N clicked her tongue. She honestly had no idea where this newfound sass was coming from, but she could not stop the words from flying out of her mouth.

"Funny isn't it mute man, you didn't seem to be saying any of that when I saw you in the staff room with H-mmff" Aizawa cut the girl off with his familiar cloth, scowling at the loud mouthed teen.

Although the faint blush did not get past the said teen. With a roll of her eyes, she smirked under the cloth.

"Please be seated you troublesome child." He ordered, releasing Y/N from his hold. Mumbling out something about Hizashi and her being too loud and obnoxious.

Snorting as she plopped down in her seat. She mumbled loud enough for him to hear but not others.

"You seem to like loud and obnoxious, so I fail to see the problem."

Aizawa literally facepalmed, completely done with her bullshit.

After the first half of the day was done, Y/N found herself being lectured by Aizawa about PDA and being obnoxious. Of course the girl brought up how he was a hypocrite because he does the same thing with a certain loud blonde teacher. This resulted in the teacher completely giving up on his scolding and shooing the child off to lunch.

As Y/N walked to the mess hall, she unconsciously decided on taking a slight detour. For some reason she couldn't help but go this way, it was like something was guiding her feet.

Chalking it up to curiosity, she continued on her way, taking a look into the empty classrooms that she passed along the way. Not quite understanding what she was looking for, the girl kept strolling hoping to find whatever it was.

That was until she stumbled into someone, almost falling on the floor from the sudden impact. Expecting to come into contact with the cold hard floor, but instead feeling a firm grip on her waist. The curly haired girl looked up at the person with wide eyes, already preparing to apologize for being so clumsy.

Y/N's wide E/C eyes met sharp grey ones, her heart faltering momentarily.

"You should really be more careful." He spoke, letting his hands fall to his sides once he was sure that she was one her feet properly.

"I- I'm sorry.." She mumbled, looking down to the ground in embarrassment.

His eyes burned into her skin as he stared at her. She felt uncomfortable under his gaze, yet she still couldn't find it in herself to move. This man was absolutely beautiful, and somehow that scared her. It was almost like he was too put together—he kind of reminds her of Kakashi from Naruto. But of course he didn't have a scar—still he could pass for his twin.

The way he looked at her made her feel vulnerable and stupid, a feeling she wasn't accustomed to. While she absolutely hated it, her body still refused to accept her commands and hightail it the fuck out of there.

"I've seen you around here from time to time.." He started to speak again, his voice smooth and bored all at once. "You're in class 1A right?"

Y/N kicked at the ground, nodding slowly. Her eyes still downcast, afraid to meet his own.

Wallflower ( BNHA x fem!Reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon