Chapter 12: "Fuck those nasty ass Spinach chips!"

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Your POV
I'm laying down on my bed, just listening to some music. I still couldn't stop thinking about Saeyoung, of course, worrying about him. I sighed and nodded to the music.

Saeyoung's POV
I woke up and rubbed my eyes. "What is this? I actually slept? No way." I smiled and looked at the clock. "Hell yeah!"

Vanderwood's POV
I'm in the kitchen cleaning up the counters and surprisingly cooking something.

Saeyoung's POV
I walked to the kitchen and stretched. "Is this what it's like to get a good nights rest? I love it!" Vanderwood heard me come in and turned at him. "Oh, hey. You woke up. You slept for awhile." He complained and continued cooking. "Well I stayed up for days now, I think I deserve the sleep." I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table. "Yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes and served me the meal. It's meat and a salad bowl. "Bon appétit." He said sarcastically and slammed the food on the table. I looked at the food and raised an eyebrow. "Is this edible and safe?" I asked and I grew nervous. I moved the bowl closer. "No, it's not." He sarcastically said and groaned. "Yes, of course it's edible and safe. When did I ever give you something dangerous?" He asked and raised a brow. "You gave me those nasty ass healthy chips." I started to eat my breakfast happily. It was the happiest day of my life. There was something other than chips and soda. "Well, yeah. Something better than those weird ass chips that you eat 24/7." He watched me eat the food that he gave me. "How's the food?" "It's really good actually, when did you learn to cook?" I asked and continued eating my breakfast. Part of me wasn't really interested in it. "I always knew how. I just don't really like to cook. I only did it, because I tased you earlier. I wanted to make it up to you. And also because you always complained that I don't cook. Like damn, I'm not your wife." He said as he rolled his eyes and started to put up his hair into a pony tail. "Then why is your hair like that?" I asked and finished eating my breakfast. "It's really yummy, thank you so much!" He pouted a bit and shook his head. "Oh, yeah. No problem. Glad you like it." I put my dirty bowl in the sink and chugged my juice. "Thank you, I'm going out now." I pat his shoulder. He didn't expect that I patted his shoulder, he felt worried, but nodded. "Don't touch me, but alright. Don't be gone for too long." "Okay." I shrugged and grabbed my keys. I walked into the garage and hopped into my car. "Let's go!" He came into the garage and tossed the nasty spinach chips at the car. "Don't forget your chips!" "I don't want those chips." I opened the garage door and started to speed away. "Hell no! Keep those away from me!" I yelled as I reserved the car. "But they're healthy for you!" He shouted as well and tossed another one before I sped off. I shook my head and continued speeding through the streets to her house. I wanted to see her again, I missed her so much.

Your POV
I'm still laying down on my bed, just being lazy and bored. I wanted to call Saeyoung or check up on him, but I still thinks that he's working, so I didn't try to bother. But yet, I missed him so much.

(Hey, Jaime the author here! I'm sorry this chapter is real short, but in the next chapter, it'll be long of course. And I know, this book is slow. I know you guys want the fluff and the romance to come in already, but I believe it's better when it's slow than right away, am I right? Lmao. But don't worry, it'll come soon. So stay tuned! And keep reading to find out! Also thank you for reading this book so far! Jaime out~)

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