Chapter 7(07): "The next morning"

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Your POV
The next day, I woke up to another beautiful
morning. I yawned and stretched out my arms. "Another day, another day to be alive." I sighed as you got up from my bed, and headed to the restroom. As I'm done, I  came back to my bed to grab my phone, and starting texting Saeyoung good morning, and puts my phone down and my head aswell. I sighed again. "I still can't stop thinking about him!" I said as I slapped myself with a pillow.

Saeyoung's POV
I took a sip of my water and stared at the computer screen. Another night of no sleep. It wasn't anything I wasn't used to, so I just dealt with it. I was tired but nothing a little caffeine can't fix.

Your POV
I grabbed my phone again, I checked the chatrooms, I missed a few, but I didn't care right now. The rest of the RFA was wondering where I and Saeyoung was at. I didn't want to respond, but did anyway. Saying that I was busy, just hung out with Saeyoung. That's it. I didn't feel like replying again, but just ignored them for a while. I really want to talk to Saeyoung. I miss him. A lot. So I texted him again texting, 'Hey, Goodmorning. You probably didn't sleep well, but I hope you take care of yourself. It might sound weird to say, but I miss you. Yesterday was really fun. I hope we can do that again. I hope that you don't forget to eat probably, eat something besides chips! ❤️' then send.

Saeyoung's POV
I glanced at my phone and reached to text her back. I made sure that Vanderwood wasn't around and I grabbed my phone quickly. I missed her more than anything. I wanted to see her again, and I replied,  'All I've been eating was chips 😂😅'

Your POV
I chuckled and playfully rolled my eyes, and responded. 'You shouldn't be always eating chips! It's not healthy! Eat something else! It's not good for you to eat them! 😂😰' I worried so much for the redhead. I mean, duh. I clearly love him. It's pretty obvious, but I almost can't hide the fact that I do.

Saeyoung's POV
'Don't worry about me! I'll be okay 😁'
I pressed send and smiled softly. I wasn't used to someone caring about me like that. I really liked that about her.

Your POV
'But still! Just please take care of yourself! I'll be very sad if you don't.. 😥🥺' Then send. I smiled a bit as still felt worried for him.

Saeyoung's POV
'I will, don't worry.' I smiled softly and shook my head. "She worries too much," I mumbled to myself and checked the work I had so far. I tapped my chin.

Your POV
I smiled at his message and nodded. "I swear, he's stubborn, but he's still so precious." I said to myself and kept smiling like an idiot. "I'm hungry.. oh! Saeyoung did leave some chips here! But I don't want to get up.. this bed is so comfortable.." I whined as I still laying down on the bed. My stomach started to hurt. I groaned and got up to get some snacks from the kitchen.

Saeyoung's POV
I laid my head on the desk and groaned. I wanted to take a quick nap, just for a while. Maybe Vanderwood wouldn't say anything? Nah, I knew something would be said. "I'm tired." Vanderwood came in the room and saw me resting, he leaned on the side of the door. "Hey, did you finish your work?" He asked in a stern tone. "No.." I mumbled and sat up. I started to work on my project again. I yawned and rubbed my neck. My whole body was sore and I needed a massage. He rolled his eyes. "Of course not. Don't be slacking. Or.." he took out a taser and starts it as the blue electric comes out of it rapidly. I looked at the taser and sighed softly. "Yeah yeah, I know the rules already." I shook my head and continued working. "Damn." "Good. I thought you would forget." He said sarcastically as he putted it away. "I'm going to somewhere for while. You better not be slacking off while I'm gone. Alright?" He said looking at me. "Alright." I nodded and looked at him. "I know the drill already," I mumbled and looked back at the computer. "Have fun." "See ya." He gave me a small wave and left the house. As Vanderwood left, I walked to the kitchen and started to look for some food. I was starving and chips and soda just weren't cutting it anymore.

Your POV
I starting eating chips in the kitchen. Feeling bored and lonely. "Why do I miss him so much..?" I asked myself as I kept eating the chips and I looked at the chip bag. "Oh.. that's why.. he loves these chips.. that's why I can't stop thinking about him.." I said as I kept eating the chips and opened a PH D. pepper, and takes a sip of it. I sighed to myself.

Saeyoung's POV
I started to make myself some noodles and I happily ate. It was so good to eat actual food instead of just chips 24/7. "My tummy is satisfied."

Your POV
After I ate the chips, I grabbed my phone and started to call him.

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