Chapter 3: "Hanging out at the arcade"

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No ones POV
"I'm glad we beat the crowd." He watched as everyone started to walking out. You nodded. "Yeah, or we probably would've got stuck behind those people." You said as you walked to the women's restroom. "Yeah. I'm not good in large crowds." He mumbled and chuckled. "Alright, I'll meet you back out here." He walked into the men's restroom.

Your POV
I walked inside the restroom. The first thing is walking to those stalls, I did my business, after you left the stall, I washed my hands, blow dry them. I fixed myself to the mirror. As I was done. I sighed to myself. "Man, How am I going to tell Saeyoung that I like him? I mean, he's an amazing guy. He's cute, funny, always makes me smile. But he's my friend. He's such a mysterious person. But, I do feel like something is wrong with him when I met him up at the cafe. I hope he's okay. I really want to know what he's really like." I whispered to myself. "But I can't believe that he held my hand! EEEEEK!" I fangirled pretty loud not realizing the other girls are in the bathroom with me and looked at me. "Sorry!" I said feeling embarrassed. I walked out of the restroom and waiting for Saeyoung from the restroom.

Saeyoung's POV
Saeyoung looked in the mirror and let out a shaky breath. "Keep your distance... don't let her get attached. It's already too late for me. I like her... but I don't deserve happiness, I'll only bring her pain and suffering. What is she doing to me? Her smile, laugh, everything about her just drives me crazy and I just want to shower her in love and affection. I want to hear her beautiful laugh... I'm such a mess." I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom after washing my hands. She smiled at me as I came out. "Hey, Saeyoung!" She shouted out. "Hey, (Y/N)." I smiled and walked over to her. "Ready to go to the arcade?" I asked and grinned, an evil look in my eyes. "I'm ready to beat you at some video games." She chuckled as I said that. "I won't let happen. But I love to see you try buddy." She pokes my chest as she looked determined. She puts her finger down. "Let's go the arcades!" She turned to her cute positive side. Cute.

No ones POV
"Let's go!" He grinned and walked beside you to the arcade. "So what did you think of the movie? Or did you even watch it?" He asked and laughed lightly. "To be honest, I barely saw most of the movie, but it was funny." You laughed. "What about you? Did you like it or saw any of it?" You asked while walking besides him. "Mhm." He chuckled and stuck his hands in his pockets. "I watched the movie, there were a lot of funny parts." He looked over at you. "Oh? Really? I guess I didn't pay attention." You laughed a little and pouted. "Yup. You were getting distracted by stealing my candy and throwing popcorn." He playfully scolded you and shook his head. "You missed out." "Whatever!" You whined and looked over at him. "I wanted to entertain myself, and because I rather mess with you than watching the movie anyway!" You chuckled a bit. "And also that candy was good." "I agree, I could totally go for some more candy." He chuckled and hummed at the thought of the candy that they ate. "Should I ask them where they got it?" "You can, if you like." You shrugged while stretching your arm while walking beside him. "I'll walk up and say, excuse me sir... I seem to be addicted to your candy. May I ask where you acquired said candy... how does that sound?" He said and laughed lightly. She giggled. "Perfect!" You smiled at him. "Your Impressions are always the best!" "Thank you." He bowed dramatically and looked over at you. He smiled and stuck his hands in his pockets. "I pride myself in that." "I bet." You tried to do an impression aswell. "Excuse me sir, but where do you have these thing called "candy" or whatever is it called? Where could I buy them, because I'm addict like it's "sugar" if you know what I mean." You chuckled at how bad that she failed at that impression. (It's so bad, I know. My only two brain cells could think of that. Kms) "It's the best of the best." He laughed and shook his head. He knew that you knew it was bad but he didn't have the heart to tell you that it was bad. You shrugged and kept laughing. "I guess so." You shook your head and smiled. "Let's go." He rushed into the arcade and over to the street fighters game. He put some quarters in and waited for you. "Come on Let's go." "Jesus, Hold on Saeyoung!" You ran over to the game and stood next to him to play. "Are you ready for me to beat you?" You smirked at him giving him a sneaky glare. "I'm ready to beat you!" He grinned and chose his character. "Let's see who will help me win this." He chuckled. You scanned at the characters to see who you'll pick. "Man, I sometimes hate making choices." You said thinking and finally found a some female fighter and chose that character. "She looks strong to beat you." You chuckled. "I chose the best character." He whined and chose the first location for the first round. He grinned and made the first move. "Ha!" You dramatically gasped. "Oh, how dare you!" You used a kicking move on him and one punch move. "Ha!" He laughed and his character stumbled back. "I'll beat you!" He glanced at her and went back to striking at your character. Your character stumbled back. "Let's see about that!" You feel Determined and used more moves and striking at his character again. "Ah! No!" He whined and watched as his character took more damage. He huffed struck out at you again. Your character took the hits and your health got less than half. "No! Stay with me! Stay with me!" You whined. "You'll pay for this!" You said and striked at his character again. He blocked it easily and struck out at your character again. "There's no way you're going to win this." He smirked and continued fighting. Your character died and lost. "NOOO!" You rested your head on the game controls. "Damn it!" You slammed them with your hand. "Yes!" He laughed and clapped his hands. "I told you that I would win!" He cheered and started to jump around. You picked up your head and turned around at him as you watched him jumping around and you started pouting. "I can't believe it! You cheated!" You whined like a five year old child. "I did not! I told you I'm better at this game." He ruffled her hair and walked to a claw machine game. "Let's see what they have here."

Your POV
I felt blessed that he ruffled my hair. "I'm never washing my hair again" (you nasty, but I don't blame you-) You though to yourself smiling like an idiot. And followed him to the claw machine and looked at different kinds of things. "That's so many cool looking stuff." You said scanning at the stuff in that machine. "Do you want anything?" He asked and smiled softly. "I can win you a stuffed animal or something." He started to look at all of the prizes that they had. "Hmm.. I don't know. You don't have to. You can win something for yourself." I smiled and kept looking at the machine.

Saeyoung's POV
"Hmm.. I don't know. You don't have to. You can win something for yourself." She said. "I want to win something for you though... your room is so boring," I teased and chuckled. I loved giving her a hard time. she dramatically gasped. "Excuse me! My room is not that boring!" She giggled. She was going to say that his room is boring but realized that his place is awesome so she can't say anything. "Meanie." "Ha! You can't even insult my room!" I laughed and cheered. I put some quarters in and started to go for the stuffed animals. She watched me as I played the machine. "Go for that cat plushie! It reminds me of Elly!" She said pointing on the glass to the stuffed cat. "Okay, my precious Elly." I sighed dreamily and started to try and win the stuffed cat. "It is really adorable actually. This will make your boring bed interesting." "Oh, really? How interesting, you want my bed to be~?" She playfully wiggled her eyebrows and grinned. "No! Not like that!" I whined and blushed a bright red. It was so bad that my ears turned red as well. She laughed at my reaction. "I'm just messing with you!" She rested her head on my shoulder for a few seconds and lifts it up. "Oh my god. You're so cute when you blush." She smiled and blushed a little. "Rude. I'm keeping the cat." I grabbed the stuffed animal and held it close to my chest. "Just because you were being mean to me."

Your POV
I giggled at him. "Awe, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I whined and tried to hug him. "No." He huffed and avoided looking at me. "You're so mean to me... you know that?" He whispered. "I wasn't trying to! I'm sorry Saeyoung! How can you forgive me?" I asked him, feeling really bad. "I forgive you." He mumbled and handed me the stuffed animal. "There you go, you can have it now." He looked away from me. I grabbed it from him. I gave him a warm smile, and gave him a hug. "Thank you." I said rubbing his back. "You're welcome." He hugged me back quickly and then moved away. "So let's keep moving." I nodded. "Okay. Where to next?" I asked while looking at the stuffed cat that he got me. "Anywhere." He shrugged and tapped his chin. "We can get ice cream... that sounds really good right now." "Oooh! I can totally go for another ice cream!" I smiled with joy. "Yeah!" He grinned and held his hand out to me. "Let's go!" He said happily and grabbed my hand.

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