Chapter 2: "Spending the day at the movies"

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No ones POV
"Anyways, let's focus on positive things. What movie should we watch?" He asked as he grinned over at you. "Hm.. I don't know, I'll let you know on the way." You said while thinking. "Alright." ~Skipping time~ As you guys finally made it go the movies and you two are looking at the posters of the movies that came out.  "So, what should we watch?" He asked again since you said you'll let him know. "Hm, I don't know, What do you have in mind? I'm thinking around a Horror, Comedy or action type of movie? But I'm not sure.." You trailed off thinking because you're bad at making decisions. "How about a comedy?" He suggested and looked at the posters for the movies they were showing. There were a lot of good ones so he didn't mind. "Ooh, comedy sounds awesome." You smiled at the poster that has comedy and looked over at him. "Let's go see it!" You grabbed his arm, yanking him to the place. "Hell yeah. Hold on (Y/N)! Jesus." He said as you were still yanking him, as to you two walked up to the front desk. "How much will they be?" He asked the worker. "Um, $28.69." They said. He got his wallet out, He started to order the tickets and he paid for them. "Thank you sir, have a day, enjoy the movie you two." The worker says as they gave him the movie tickets. "Thank you!" She says as she walking with the redhead in the cinema. "Should we get some snacks?" You asked as you guys walked to the snack bar. "Yeah, how does popcorn sound?" He asked and looked over at you. He looked at the menu and tapped his chin. "I want Ph D. Pepper." You nodded as you're also looking at the menu. "Yeah, me too. Popcorn and PH D. Pepper sounds good. Too bad they don't sell Honey Buddha Chips, it would make things much better." You joked and chuckled. "I agree." He chuckled and looked over at you. He smiled softly and ordered some popcorn and Ph D. Pepper. You ordered some candy to snack on as well. Before you guys walked away, to noticed there was an ice cream freezer, you walked to it and stared at the flavors. "Can I get some ice cream aswell? I mean, if it's okay with you." You asked him, since you're craving for sweets at this point. "Yeah, I don't mind." He smiled and looked over at the ice cream freezer. "What kind do you want?" He asked and looked at all of the different flavors. "Hmm.. such a hard decision.." you scanned at the all of the flavors. "I'll get (F/F) (Favorite flavor)." "(F/F)." He nodded and got her the ice cream. He got himself some vanilla ice cream. "Thank you so much Saeyoung." You smiled softly and unexpectedly hugged him tightly.

Saeyoung's POV
"Thank you so much Saeyoung." She thanked me and unexpectedly hugged me tightly. "No need to thank me." I hugged her back and I blushed. I Immediately cleared my throat and looked away. "Anyways..." She immediately let me go. "Oh, sorry.." she blushed and looked away embarrassed. "It's okay, we should probably hurry to the theater." I grabbed the popcorn and drinks. "Let's go." I smiled and started to walking to the theater room with her. She followed of course.

Your POV
"I can't believe I hugged him.." I thought to myself and smiled as I'm following him. "He's so cute when he blushed." As we got inside the theater room and sees many other people watching the same movie, and tries to find the seat until I found the two perfect seats in the middle so it's prefect to see the movie, "I found two good seats." I whispered loud enough for him to hear and walk to those seats. He walked over to the seats and stepped aside. "Ladies first," He whispered and chuckled. Such a goofball. Right now it was just the previews playing so they had made it just in time. I playfully rolled her eyes and whispered "Pfft, Alright." I quietly chuckled to myself and sat on one of the seats.

No ones POV
He laughed and got in his seat. He looked at the screen and nibbled on some popcorn. "Yummy." He held the bucket over to you. You grabbed the bucket from him and grabs a few and feeds yourself. "This is some good popcorn." You says with her mouth full, and swallowed. "Do you have the PH D. Pepper?" You asked him turning to him. "Yup." He nodded and handed her the cup of Ph D. Pepper. He took a sip of his own drink and started to watch the previews. One scene made him laugh. You take a sip of your drink while watching the previews, you chuckled at some funny parts. "We need to see this movie when it comes out." You whispered while chuckling, takes a few more popcorn, fed yourself again, and offers him the bucket. "Do you want some?" You whispered to him. "Sure." He nodded and started to eat some of his popcorn. He licked his lips and chuckled. "It's really buttery." He took a sip of his drink and hummed. You chuckled at him, as you took your phone and checks the time and noticed that a chatroom has opened. "Oh, a chatroom has opened." You said to herself and opens it. And reads the chatroom, Technically Zen and Jumin is fighting about something petty as always. You chuckled as she was reading the chat. Saeyoung noticed that you were looking at your phone, so he cocked his head over to be nosy. He looked at the chat room and shook his head. "Those two are always fighting." He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "What's it about now?" "I don't even know anymore honestly, it's always something. Jumin is taunting Zen about cats, you know how dramatic Zen is." You chuckled as you put your phone away. "I know." He laughed quietly and looked back at the screen. "He starts sneezing just at the mention of cats and it is so funny." "I know right? I swear, It sucks for him that he's a cat hater, but I don't blame him since he's allergic to them. You shook your head and you took a sip of your drink. "Yeah, I for one absolutely love cats." He nodded and smiled softly. "They're just so cute and precious!" He said happily. You softly laughed at him and you nodded. "They certainly are! But I think you love them a little TOO much Saeyoung." "Not true, I love them the proper amount." He popped some more popcorn into his mouth and took a sip of his drink. "Yeah, the "proper amount" my butt! You try to bite Elizabeth's ear. Yeah, you love them the "proper amount." Okay." You playfully rolled your eyes and grabbed some popcorn from the bucket and eats some. "I did not... I just... um..." he blushed and looked down at his lap. "That's shitty." He mumbled and pouted. You snickered at him. "You can't deny the truth Choi." You smirked at him. "Fine then, I'm a bit too intense." He mumbled and pouted cutely, and ate some candy. "I know." You playfully tossed one piece of popcorn at him and it landed on his hair and you giggled as it landed. "That's not fair." He huffed and finished eating his candy. The movie was already starting. "Finally!" You said happily and turns to the screen, while chuckling to yourself about the redhead. "Cute popcorn Barrette, Is that a new trend?" You joked and giggled. "I guess." He mumbled and looked at you. He pouted and shook his head. "You really like to tease me, huh?" You smiled and shrugged. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." You ruffled his hair to get the popcorn off of his hair, and because it's soft. "You do the same thing to Yoosung, you don't like it how it feels, do you?" You asked him in a playful mocking tone. "I can't help it, he asks for it sometimes!" He whined and looked over at you. "It isn't fair, he doesn't mind it either." "Oh sure, he doesn't mind. You only do that because he's gullible. He always told you to stop, but I don't know who to blame anymore." You shrugged and chuckled. "Yeah..." he chuckled and shooked his head. "It's not my fault, I'm enjoying teasing him, I'm not gonna stop." He chuckled. "Well, in that case, I won't stop teasing you either." You smirked at him and patted his soft red hair while sipping her drink. "What? He's okay with it." He whined and looked at her. "You have to be nice to me... I'm fragile." He whispered and patted his chest. "Awe. At least you admit that you're not dangerous. How cute." You giggled and smiled at him. "I can be dangerous." He popped some more popcorn into his mouth and looked at the screen. "Oh, yeah? How dangerous are you?" You quickly started eating her ice cream that it's about to melt and turned at the screen. "Super dangerous~" he winked at you and chuckled. He started to eat the other candy that he had bought. "Oh, wow. okay then. I don't know what that means, but okay." You played dumb and chuckled as you grabbed more popcorn from the bucket and eats more of it while watching the movie. "What do you mean?" He pouted and leaned back against the seat. He sighed and continued eating his candy. "You can be so cruel." "Oh yeah?" You playfully took the candy away from the redhead boy and eats the candy while snickering at him. "Yes." He gasped dramatically and looked at her with wide eyes. "How could you?" He whispered and placed his hand over his chest. "I feel so betrayed." "Awe, I'm sorry that you feel that way~! You continued eating more candy and you playfully stuck your tongue at him. "You stole my candy!" He whined and reached for it. He wasn't even focusing on the comedy anymore. He was focusing on you. You rises the candy up on the air while laughing. "You have to get it!" "No, we're distracting the people watching the movie." He whined and reached for it anyways. You turned behind and realized and pouted and gave back his candy. "Hmph, no fun. you're lucky." "See, I told you." He whined and grabbed the candy. He started to eat it again and smiled brightly. "Yummy!" You pouted with your cheeks puffed like a five year old, you grabbed another piece of popcorn and tossed it at him. "Hmph." "Meanie." He huffed and caught the popcorn. He popped it into his mouth and smiled again. "Yummy." "Whatever." You chuckled at him as you grabbed some popcorn to yourself and ate some. Instead of watching the movie, you turned at him and just smiled at him. He went back to watching the movie and he started to eat his candy and popcorn. He took a sip of his drink. As you kept staring at him, you gently putting your hand on his, and you turned to the movie.

Saeyoung's POV
I looked at our hands and blushed. "What was she trying to do?" I asked myself. I just didn't say anything and continued eating popcorn with my free hand. She slowly putting her head on his shoulder trying to make a "move" on him. And she sighed while continuing watching the movie. I cleared my throat and glanced at her again. My heart was racing and I chewed on my bottom lip. She was driving me completely crazy. She still kept her head on his shoulder and kept watching the movie. A funny moment came on, she laughed. "Isn't this movie great?" She asked me. "It's hilarious." I mumbled and looked at her again. My heart was pounding now. 'I can't keep doing this' I thought to myself.

Your POV
I nodded at his response. I picked my head up a little as I turned at him. "Am I making you uncomfortable? If so, I'm sorry. I know it's rude. I should've asked you if that's okay to laid on you before hand." I asked him, feeling stupid what I did. "No I just... I'm not used to it," He mumbled and tried to focus on the movie but his mind kept going back to her. Every touch was distracting him more and more. "Oh, really? I'm so sorry about that." I felt embarrassed and turned away from embarrassment and takes a sip of my drink. "That's okay." He smiled reassuringly and grabbed my hand again. He didn't mean to make her feel uncomfortable. I got a little surprised and blushed that he grabbed my hand. I shyly smiled to him. "You didn't have to grab my hand, you know?" I chuckled. "I felt bad for making you upset so..." he glanced at me and looked back at the screen. "Just don't mention it again." "Okay." I also turned back to the movie and grabs some popcorn and ate some with my free hand.

No ones POV
When the movie finished he stood up and stretched. "Alrighty, where to next?" He asked and looked at you. He smiled brightly. You stood up and stretched aswell. "Hm, I kinda of thinking of going to an arcade? But it's your choice." You smiled. "An arcade sounds fun!" He said happily and grinned. "Let's go! I'll beat you at Street Fighters!" "Not until I beat you!" You laughed. "But I need to use the restroom first, since I drank too much PH D pepper." You chuckled. "Yeah, same here." He laughed and walked to the bathrooms with her.

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