Chapter 9: "The morning call part 2"

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No ones POV
"Yeah, yeah..." he shook his head and started to walk over to the computer again. He sat down and continued working. "Awe, what's wrong? Why are you mad?" You chuckled as you rested your head on the sofa. "I'm not mad, I've just never admitted it before and it's weird because I'm not used to acting this way." he said and bit his lip. "Are you saying that, you don't open up..?" You asked him softly and felt worried. "No, I've never done that before." He shook his head and leaned back in his chair. "Is that a bad thing?" He looked up at the ceiling. "Um, I don't think it's a bad thing. It's just kinda surprising that you're not used it.. why is that..?" You asked. "I've never really been comfortable with it. I'm not one to express my emotions." He sighed softly and spun around in his chair. You frowned and sighed. "Oh.. I understand.. but still, you should sometimes feel like you need to let out your emotions. Just bottling it up is not good for you.." "I know, I've been doing pretty good lately." He chuckled and glanced at the screen. He didn't want to show you how sad and hurt he actually was. "Really? Are you sure? I mean, I'm not trying to be up your business, but are you sure that you're good..?" You could sense it again. But you doesn't want to be all up in his business, but you're worried for him. "I'm good, I promise. So please don't worry about me." He was practically begging you. He didn't want you to get hurt. You wanted to pressure him, but you know that it's not going nowhere and he's stubborn, so you sighed in defeat. "Okay.. I'll try not be worried. But still, I worry for you. I hope you know that." "I know you do, you worry too much." He chuckled and rubbed his face. He wasn't used to anyone really worrying about him. "I'm sorry that I do. I care a lot about you.. that's all.." you softly chuckled and trailed off. "That's okay, I like it. Nobody has really worried about me before so it's a nice feeling." He started to get back to work on the computer. "What? Really? What do you mean that no one worried about you before? That's terrible.. you need alot of love and support! Nyah!" You said Nyah in a little cat voice and chuckled again. "Ah, you turned into a cat?" He laughed lightly and shook his head. "Yes, nobody has worried about me so I'm not used to this." "That's really sad Saeyoung.. You saying that makes me feel really bad.. you don't deserve for you to feel that way. Now I'm more worried about you.." you frowned and sighed softly. Now you feel really bad, you wants to hug him so bad, but couldn't at this point. "Don't feel worried about me." He smiled and continued working on what the agency needed. But it was hard to focus when he was just thinking of you. "But Saeyoung.." you said in soft tone and still frowned and feeling worried. All the worrying makes you want to cry. How can someone not care about him? No one? That's so messed up. "What? I promise it's fine." He sighed once he could tell that you felt bad for him. "Please... stop worrying about me." "I don't want to stop worrying. You're important to me. You do realize that, right?" You sighed and puts your head down. "I... I shouldn't be. You should keep me far away from you." he said quickly and leaned back in his chair. "What, w-why..? I'm not going to do that.." you said soft and confused about why would he say something like that. "Just do it, you don't know anything about me!" He snapped suddenly and he hated that. He didn't want to yell at you. "...I..." You had nothing to say, since it's your first time that you got yelled at by him. "I'm sorry, I have to go." He hung up and set his phone down. "God, I'm so stupid." He shook his head and groaned.

Your POV
I looked at my phone and realize that he hung up. I frowned and softly sighed and covered my face with my hands. "I can't believe that.. he yelled at me.. what does he mean that I don't know anything.." I asked myself as you're disappointed in myself.

Saeyoung's POV
I groaned and held my  head in my hands. "Oh my god." I whispered and chewed on my bottom lip. "Damn, I messed up so bad!"

Your POV
I rested myself on the sofa still covering my face and started to softly sobbing. You're that sensitive. You didn't mean to be too much on him.

Saeyoung's POV
I glanced at my phone and sighed softly. I knew that I had hurt her feelings and I didn't mean to. I just didn't want her getting close to me. She would end up getting hurt.

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