Chapter 33: The Golden Voice In Times Of Need

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Chloe's POV.

I ran down the dimly lit hall lined with cells alongside Trace, the monsters snarling and growling behind us. Tom told us to run when we were noticed, saying I needed somebody to look after me because he wouldn't make it out. I did run, hearing everyone scream and cry out behind me... I kept running though, because Tom and everyone else spared us by giving up themselves.

Trace held my hand as we kept sprinting down the way, making sure I kept to pace with him, making sure I stayed safe and near him, making sure the monsters didn't get me.

With an opening, we dove into an open cell, Trace turning and shutting it with half a second to spare, falling backwards to get away from the decomposing and rotting hands that desperately reached in between the bars, howling and snarling and gargling. They couldn't get in, but at the same time, we couldn't get out... We were stuck now.

"T-Trace?" I stuttered. "What do we do now? We're stuck..."

"We are not stuck," he announced. "We'll be fine. I just need to look for something in my bag. There's gotta be something I can kill 'em with..."

Trace took off his bag, setting it one the ground and digging through it, trying to find something. He muttered to himself angrily and impatiently, his plan becoming useless. He didn't have anything in his bag. And neither did I... He huffed, the air cool enough to show his breath. Trace ran his hand through his hair, becoming frustrated and nervous as he kept searching. But there was still nothing...

"Hey!" I heard someone yell down the hall in a strained voice laced with pain. They whistled loudly, as if they were calling a dog, trying to grab the attention of the infected. They turned to face the male figure. "Yeah, I got you now, don't I? Why don't you pick on one of your own?" he laughed. "Come on now, don't be shy! I'm just as delicious as the next average pure human. I can assure you there's more to me than the girl and her new guardian. I can run, they can't. You like chasing! So come on!"

"Trace," I whispered. "What's happening? Who is that?"

"I have no clue..." he responded.

"What, am I not all you hoped for? Are you confused whether or not I'm a choice meal because I'm bitten? That punk-rock rebel, the Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance fan, along with my Slayer, the WWE kid, they aren't worth it. I am. You enjoy the chase, the adrenaline that pumps through my veins as you claw at my back, clinging to my skin as you drag me to the ground. So chase me. Do it. Leave them alone. It's my fault they're here."

Then it hit me. It was Mark...

"Mark, what are you -"

"Quiet, Chloe. Just stay quiet. Trace, keep her silent. I have to do this."

"Mark, no -"

"I said shut up, Chloe! Please! I'm fixing this. Once and for all, I'm fixing my mistake. It's my fault you're here, all my fault. I ruined you, I messed up everything for you. I'm sorry. Listen close. They're gonna chase me, and when they do, you're going to go with Trace and you're both going to run and you're going to run fast. Do you understand me? I'm sorry for growing so attached to you, but I'm not sorry for getting you out of that school. You deserve to keep going. You and Trace both. So when I do this, you're going to get the hell outta here. You're gonna forget me, forget I ever came into your life. Because I'm not going to make it through this. J-just forget me, Chloe. You have to go. I'm so sorry, sweetheart..."

Mark sounded like he was crying hard, but managed out 'go, now!' as I heard one of the infected skulls crunch and crack, making the rest go crazy. Then I heard fast footfalls racing down the hall, the infected growling behind him. Trace took my hand, practically dragging me behind him. I stopped, letting go of his hand and turned around as the footfalls stopped, seeing Mark pinning himself against the end of the hall, on the wall, the infected inching towards him as if they were teasing. He looked at me, his eyes red and puffy with tears staining his cheeks. Saying the words 'leave, please, I love you, Chloe' while shaking his head. Afterwards he screwed his eyes shut and his jaw clenched so tight that the veins in his neck stuck out. Then one of the infected pounced on him, digging its jagged dagger-like teeth into his forearm, making Mark scream in excruciating pain and suffering as they took him to the ground.

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