Falling Apart

Começar do início

I have a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom with a shower and bath, a small living area, and a giant lab. I was on the third floor of the building and looked out to the back and woods meant for training.

I technically had everything I needed, food, shelter, clothes. But I was missing something very important, human contact.

Part of it's my fault. After Beck, I didn't trust other people. I had reprogrammed FRIDAY in this section of the building to only listen to me. I've turned my part of the compound into a prison for myself.

After Venice and everything, I didn't trust anyone else besides a few people. But one good thing came out of Venice, the confirmation of the multiverse. 

Ture, I also was revealed to the world but Pepper made quick work of convincing most of the world that Beck was the one lying and I saved everyone. 

But Beck did give me an idea. What if I could manage to get to another universe? He may have not come from one but I maybe I could get to one?

If only I could manage to transport between them. I now know that all of the multiverses occupy the same time and space but are vibrating at different frequencies. Now I just need to find a way to vibrate at that same frequency to transport myself.

The power source is also going to be a problem. The arch reactor can produce a lot of power but it would take a lot of them for just one transport, let alone bouncing around from one universe to the other.

"Peter?" Peppers voice says and I turn to the door of my lab where she is.

"Pepper? How did you get in here?" I ask confused.

I thought I had locked my apartment off from everyone.

"I had to use my top override code," Pepper says and I frown.

"What's one thing you know about me that no one else would?" I ask not trusting her.

"You sleep with a picture of MJ next to you," Pepper says softly and I sigh.

"I'll have to fix the codes later," I say and take another drink from the bottle of the special alcohol drink I had made so everyone with super metabolism can get drunk.

"Peter, what is this?" Pepper asks while snatching the bottle out of my hands and sniffing it.

"An experiment that worked," I say and take the bottle back and take another drink.

"This has gone on far enough! You can't just barricade yourself behind barrier after barrier. I've been trying to get in here for days and just barely managed to find an old override code that you didn't alter. And now I find you in your pajamas, working yourself dead, and drinking," Pepper asks and now it feels like I am getting another of her lectures.

"Just leave me alone, I don't need another one of your lectures and you'll just get hurt. That's why I had this section of the compound designed how it was. I designed it to keep me in and others out. That way everyone is safe from me," I say and take another drink.

"You don't need to protect us because you won't hurt us," Pepper says and I shake my head.

"I just need to fix everything. I'm working on something big that should be good for both everyone else and me," I say and turn back to the blueprints and mathematical problems on the tablet.

"What are you doing, Peter? You sound a lot like Tony does-did," Pepper says while catching herself.

"I'm going to find him, maybe not the him we know but a different him," I say and this confuses her.

"What are you talking about? What are you planning on doing?" Pepper asks.

"With what happened in Venice, I think I can get to another universe where we won with no one dying. I just need to see him again, ask him just one question," I say and hang my head.

Peter Parker One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora