Chapter 37

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Ema moaned painfully and blinked slowly. She felt something was around her eyes and blocked her sight. She moved and noticed her hands and feet were tied tightly with robe, her mouth was stuffed a fabric.

Her heart dropped into her stomach and her body froze to the fact that she was kidnapped again. The thought frustrated her and made her depressed. Next her body froze to the sudden noise not too far away from her. She held her breath and felt someone was approaching her.

Suddenly, her sight returned and before she could react, her face was slapped hard and continued until she could feel the taste of rust from blood in her mouth. Her head was dizzy from those slaps and she took some time to recover.

She narrowed her gaze to the woman in front of her, unexpected. The woman glared at her and frowned at the way she looked at her, slapped her face again in a stronger strength.

"Don't you dare look at me in that way! Remember your stance!" Rei cried furiously and kicked Ema's chair down, made the girl fell on the ground as well. Ema gasped to the pain from her arms, looked down and saw some broken glass on the floor around her.

"Are you sure what you are doing now, Kimura?" Ema asked with a mocking smile on her face. Rei gritted her teeth to the smile and slapped her face again.

"If not you, Shin will never leave me! If not you, I don't have to do this!" Rei yelled. Ema laughed and shook her head.

"I am just showing you, there's always price for every choice you make." Ema said.

"Who do you think you are?! You are just a slut who was dumped by Shin! You are nothing to him! You mistress!" Rei screamed. Ema hummed and looked at her coldly.

"The one not loved is the real intruder of the relationship."

Rei yelled furiously to the men behind her and soon Ema was placed back to the normal place. Rei stood in front of Ema, bent down to meet her eyes.

"I am telling you, you must pay for everything you have done to me. You will regret for making me suffer all these and beg me to spear you a life." Rei lift up Ema's chin and glared into her eyes, growled coldly.

Ema narrowed her eyes to Rei, split out the blood in her mouth right to her face. The startled woman screamed and moved back quickly, tried to wipe off the blood on her face but the smell of blood remained and left with an uncomfortable feeling on her.

"You?! Make her suffer until I return!" Rei screamed and left the room, leaving Ema with a bunch of men alone. Ema sweated nervously to those men smiling evilly to her, knew the following time would be unbearable.

In Ashenbert Mansion---

Edgar looked at the Asahina family and frowned deeply. He crossed his legs and eyes never left the laptop on the coffee desk in front of him.

"How can this happen to Ema?! What have you guys done?!" Rintarou yelled with red eyes, glaring at Edgar who maintained silent all the time. Miwa was as worry as Rintarou did but she didn't say it out loud. She knew the two young men were not responsible for this.

"Calm down, Rintarou-san. Angry won't help us bring Ema back!" Uyko said in a forced calm voice, his pale face didn't match the calmness he was trying to show. 

Fuuto growled and rushed to Edgar, hands grabbed his collar. "After all it is your fault! How can you let idiot sister go home alone at night?! The worse is how can you let her live alone?!" He yelled and shook Edgar.

Before he could do anything worse, Raven grabbed his hand and twisted it outward, the idol cried in pain and the former pushed him swiftly back to his seat. The raven-haired man stared at Fuuto coldly, eyes warning him.

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